View Full Version : Hello with apologies

30-01-08, 17:33
Hi everyone

I just wanted to say how good it was to pop in for the quiz last saturday. I did as badly as ever, but smiled a lot. :)

I want also to say sorry I haven't been around much. What with the IVF we're having at the moment emotionally I'm very up and down:unsure: , so I'm writing this quick before I get distracted or think its not good enough.

I miss you all and though I'm managing my panic well I feel bad about not being much help to anyone else at the moment. Maybe I could just pass on message of hope. Christmas was very difficult, quite panicky - but I still achieved a lot :yesyes: and though it was there I didn't let it beat me!

Anyway, sorry about my absence. I pop in when I can but honestly find it overwhelming. So here's a hug to make up for not being around.

(((( H U G ))))

Much Love to All. XXX

30-01-08, 23:37
Good luck with the IVF Lisa, hope it goes well for you and a HUGE well done for controlling your panic:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
love Mags xxx

31-01-08, 06:07
Hi Insomniac,

IVF is a very emotional thing to be going through, its understandable that you are feeling the way that you are right now.

My sister also went down the IVF road, so I witnessed the emotional roller coaster ride she was on. She actually tried for 12 years with IVF with no success, then finally she screamed ENOUGH - IS ENOUGH - I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE - 3 months later she was pregnant.

I have an idea that you could try. . . . You might think this is crazy, but you have nothing to lose......

Think to yourself. . . . "I really don't care anymore, babies just cry, poo, eat and sleep". "Yuk who in their right mind would have one". "One child is going to cost me $45,000.00 by the time it is 18 years old - I might as well go and have a look at a new sports car instead".

The reason behind this supposedly ridiculous idea is that usually when you convince yourself that you really don't want a baby, Wham . . they decide to come along.

I Believe . . .
This is because right from the second of conception and throughout a child's life they never ever do as they are told. (Just ask any parent)

Also just look at all the children that are born to women that prayed they wouldn't get pregnant.

I also tried for two years to fall pregnant, but after seeing what my sister went through, I gave up trying after that. My husband and I decided to take a cruise around the islands.

Guess what - Yes, two months later I was pregnant.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share with you my thoughts on all this, and to let you know, that even though I don't know you my thoughts are with you.

Sarajane (SJ)

31-01-08, 07:37
hi insomniac...
just wanted to say there is no need to be sorry...
we do understand... and although ive not been through ivf myself i know it must be very emotional for you...
am sending you big :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
you give yourself lots of "me" time ...
and let us know how it is going

31-01-08, 09:17
Hi Insomniac

You've no need to be sorry hun, everyone has things going on in their lives and sometimes its not always possible to come here.

You are going through an emotional time at the moment so dont be so hard on yourself - we dont think bad of you, so neither should you!! :D


31-01-08, 16:33
Awww Lisa no need for sorrys hun :bighug1: and big hugs right back at you :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: xxxx

02-02-08, 13:34
Hi there mags, sarajane, rach, lilith and mandy

Thank you all so much for all your lovely words of support and advice.

Its always good to know I'm not alone. I do have a daughter (aged 9 going on 19), so we're VERY lucky. IVF can be tough. But we are going for the minimal intervention, so not too many hormones and needles. Well, no more than the usual monthly stuff anyway LOL.

But still there is the awareness of whether you're about to ovulate, insemination (yuk:blush: ) then the tww (two week wait) until you find out whether you were successful or not. Just finishing a tww now, and if I'm honest with myself its not looking good. Ho hum... there's always next month.

Thank you all so very much though. I wish I could be around more, but sometimes my brain can hardly hold on to one thought, never mind cope with the forum or chatroom. So here are my hellos instead...

Hello all, (((hugs))), missing you lots.

I'll try to pop into chatroom 2nite.


02-02-08, 13:40
Hi Lisa,

It's nice to read your update.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I hope the IVF works out for you.
Best wishes,

02-02-08, 13:51