View Full Version : burning feelings

08-03-05, 14:53
does anybody get burning sensations flowing through your body and ending up at your tongue, iv been really worried about these feelings, i was tempted to go to the doc but i think he might just laugh at me,
Angie x

Angela Hemsley

08-03-05, 15:32
Hi Agela,

I have had a sensation flowing through my body but it came down my nose. It felt warm. as though someone had injected me with something.
Is this feeling the same as yours? If it is then it's anxiaty. I know its horrible but it dose go with time.
If you are worried and can not put it down to anxiaty, go see your GP.
Peace of mind goes along way.


Confromt your fears, list them, get to know them,
and only then will you be able to put them aside and move on.

08-03-05, 17:08
Hi Angie

I get lots of burning feelings, sometimes it's just my tongue, other times my chest, tongue and head. Then other's it flows right through my body and feels like a hot liquid flowing through me. Sometimes it's just across my back.

It is horrible, I know and usually makes me panic but it's down to anxiety. So take care and let me know if I can help


08-03-05, 17:38
Hi Angie

I have had this, I ahd one episode when the whole of my body felt s if it was burning folloed by a feeling of complete exhaustion. It's lovely Mr Anxiety rearing his ugly head !

take care

Elaine x

09-03-05, 01:21
howdy angie. I have never had warm sensations, but the opposite. I got cold pains through my hands and feet so i used to carry a hot water bottle around with me for a while. Anyways, if it worries you alot then go and see your doctor. No good GP would ever laugh at your problems. Im sure they have seen similar cases before.