View Full Version : Can anyone relate to this strange feeling?

31-01-08, 02:43
I started Lexapro for GAD 12 days ago. A couple times in the last few days I've had these weird feelings overtake me where I worry that I'm going crazy and I worry that I'll be committed to an institution or worse I worry about what if I become suicidal! I'm not suicidal but I worry about what if I went mad and I couldn't control it and became suicidal. It's a very strange sensation. This didn't happen before i started the medication, is this a side effect? Anyone relate?

31-01-08, 05:10
Sorry to hear that you are going through these feelings. It must be very frightning.

I'd suggest talking to your Doctor about this.

Maybe these meds don't agree with you, I had to try 1000's of different meds til I found the right one.

Love and Kisses
Sarajane (SJ) - Let us know how you get on.

31-01-08, 07:28
I have experienced these feelings (thoughts) and they are associated with GAD...I am no doctor but initally when u start taking meds they can sometimes actually make the anxiety higher in the first instance and wondering if these sensations (thoughts) may just be a result of this...I remember when I was given prozac for GAD (and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone) I read that one of the side effects was hightened anxiety ??? Like Sarah said before, just have a chat with the doctor. In relation to the fact you worry that you may become sucicidal or go mad, people who worry about these things are the least likely to ever do it or go mad so hopefully you should get some comfort from that.

31-01-08, 07:31
realy sorry to hear it aswel i agree with sarajane have a word with the doctor it cud be side effects off the medication.usualy we have to try different medication because wat suits one dosnt suit us all hope your feeling better soon tc xxxxx

31-01-08, 10:56
I have the same thoughts when I panic, I think I am going to go mad and won't ever be able to come out of it and will have to be sedated. I agree with Liddylou, it is probably a side effect of the med due to it heightening your feelings whilst your body adjusts. Go and see your doctor who I'm sure will be able to give you a clear answer. But if it's any comfort it's true what Liddylou said. The fact you think you are going mad is normally proof you're not!!

31-01-08, 11:09
I remember when I had Postnatal depression which manifested itself in huge anxiety attacks feeling these exact same thoughts and again I had just started on seroxat. I can remember being terrified that I would take my own life or flip into insanity and do something terrible, the more the thoughts came the greater the panic attack became. Needless to say I'm still here and it did eventually settle down once I rode the storm with the medication. I remember in tears speaking to a CPN about these thoughts and her telling me that I would never go crazy and that this was a very common feeling, thoughts during high levels of anxiety.

31-01-08, 16:42
Thanks so much everyone. It is so reassuring to know others feel the same way (not that I want anyone to feel this way!). I will talk to the doctor, but do you think this will settle down as i get used to the meds? What about the weird "heavy brain" sort of drugged out feeling? Does that go away? Other than those two issues, the meds are helping somewhat. I have less physical anxiety symptoms (chest pains, stomach aches, trouble breathing) and I fall asleep easier at night. I also feel a bit more perked up. I was very scared to start medication, but when I did, I wanted to commit to trying it at least 6 weeks to be sure and get past that initial crappy part. I hope I can hold on....