View Full Version : failed my driving testÉ

08-03-05, 16:40
Hi everyone,

Nothing particularly terrible has happened to me, itÕs just that IÕve been having such a rubbish time of it recently and I donÕt want to spend any more time complaining to my boyfriend or my friends as I think they might have had enough of me by now. So I thought IÕd complain to you lot!
I failed my driving test today (third one in ten years Š have already booked the next one nic, donÕt worry!!) Š I donÕt know why IÕve got such a phobia about driving tests and come over all panicky Š I donÕt mind driving but just lose the plot when it comes to a test situation. Anyway, I knew I was going to fail and was feeling okay about it, but then I came into work and my boss announced that he was changing my job slightly, so I now have less responsibility. I know I should be happy about this because he has, in fact, taken away from me a couple of weekly tasks that I was beginning to loathe, but itÕs still made me feel really bad, like he thinks IÕm not capable any more.
Plus, I know this is a really ridiculous thing to say, but IÕve got a terrible cold Š first time IÕve had one since my PAs started and itÕs really freaking me out. As if I donÕt spend enough time worrying about whether or not I can breathe, IÕm totally bunged up so it just always feel like I canÕt breathe. If anyone has any tips on how to deal with panic when you have a cold, or how to get rid of a cold full stop, I would love to hear them!
I think itÕs just that thing of it being one thing after another Š I donÕt think IÕve really had a happy day this year. ItÕs really beginning to get me down and IÕm starting to feel so miserable and I donÕt know what to do. I know people say the best thing you can do is be positive and IÕve really been trying but it requires such a huge amount of mental energy and I donÕt think IÕve got any left.
Sorry to ramble on and on,
Take care everyone,
Henri xx

08-03-05, 16:54
Hi Henri

Poor you, the dreaded driving test :( I can't offer much advice re the driving issue as in the car is just about the only place I am not having panic attacks at the moment (when I am driving of course)...hows that work[?]

I am sure that you just need a bit of positive focus for the next one. Perhaps you should get chatting on here before you go, these people could motivate a mountain into moving[8D]

Re the cold, have you tried some Olbas Oil or vics in hot water, head over a bowl of that with a tea towel over your head should clear you up a bit.

Hope that you are feeling better soon.

Take care...Angie

08-03-05, 17:15
Driving has been one of the most difficult areas for me too. I didn't drive for 2 years and then slowly started again. It took a long time for me to feel comfortable behind the wheel and I still feel panicky sometimes..You're not alone on this one!! :D

08-03-05, 18:02
hi henrie. Sorry you didnt pass but dont worry you are not alone. and not alone being scared of the test I know some real good driver weho havnt passed there test cos they just go to peices having a test. Take care and good luck next time. Vernon

08-03-05, 18:06
Hi Henri

Sorry you failed your driving test, i can remember how nerve racking it was.

But well done for putting in for it again.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

08-03-05, 19:32
Hiya Henri

I took and passed my test when I was 17 and without a care in the world so it was much easier then. I am not sure I would cope as well now at it.

You did well to even take the test so don't be too upset that you failed. What did you fail on out of interest?

As for the job - do you think that he thinks you are not coping, was anything said or was it just done. Maybe it wasn't anything to do with you but more to do with procedure changes at work etc.

Colds - aggh. I get panicky when I get one cos I can't breathe properly and then you start feeling even worse and you can't swallow etc.

Angie B's advice is good for the olbas oil and make sure you are getting some Vitamin C down you. Also get some really soft tissues - the ones with Balsam oil on are good.

Hope you feel better soon and sorry about the driving test but hey next time eh???

Angie - I bet it is because you are concentrating on it so you don't have time to panic! We can all do stuff when we really have to be composed and hold it together so it may be that. I get panicky whilst driving cos I lost my confidence at certain situations such as traffic jams, but I still manage to do it every day so there must be something in it.


09-03-05, 19:19
thanks for your messages everyone, am feeling much better about it all today.
take care,
henri xx
ps nic, i failed on reversing round the corner - i managed to do the manouevre but forgot to look out the back window at the end and failed for dangerous driving!! better luck next time, eh…

09-03-05, 21:42

perhaps you should see going for your test as a success!

Each time I took mine, I failed on something different [Oops!]


09-03-05, 21:59
oops ah well its a minor set back and im sure you will remember and pass next time

"Tis easy enough to be pleasant, when life flows like a song. But the man worthwhile is the one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong"