View Full Version : Still poking around

31-01-08, 16:17
so i still feel this tiny little thing in my boob and if i feel around on the other boob i feel very similar things in nearly the same place. logic would tell me that it's nothing to worry about, etc. my husband got angry with me and was all, "if i catch you probing your chest one more time!!!" so i'm trying to leave it alone...my question is does anyone ever feel like they have to check something repeatedly because if they don't, the next time they feel it it will be huge? like if i don't keep touching my boob, the next time i do there will be a giant lump...does that make sense? is anyone else like this?

31-01-08, 16:24
Hi Sarah,

Oh you are not alone with this one hun :hugs: I remember my hubby calling me "poker" for weeks. Our health anxiety minds seem to dwell and put all our focus on the "thing" we think we've found and in your case it's your wee lump. When I get like this I try to keep both my mind and hands occupied to stop me poking and prodding my body and time myself to see how long I can go without touching the suspicious object and believe me theres not one part of my body I ain't found something on at one time or another hun lol. I know what your going through as I've been there to many times to forget but we are all here with a big ball of string to tie those hands behind your back if need be :sign20: xxx

31-01-08, 16:28
Yes me :blush: Awful isin't it, drives me nuts. Its how health anxiety works, in 'checking' we are seeking reassurance - this actually fuels the anxiety and its a vicious circle. Also when anxious our senses change and we usually focus on one thing. If you leave it for a couple of days or go back to it when you are calm, you either won't be able to find it or will be more rational about it.
Hope this makes sense,

love anx xx

31-01-08, 16:38
I am sorry you are still having problems, I have been poking around my tummy area and have now made it sore. It feels like a never ending battle at times. But we will get through this, it will pass. I hope it passes very quickly for you and you feel more relaxed and confident in your body soon