View Full Version : can anyone help me im sooooo scared

31-01-08, 17:10
I have been suffering from anx and pa now for 5 years but this past week has been so bad im having them everyday and now im going ssooo dizzy and feel faint im not eating too well but just not got any appetite at all im currantly on 2mg of diazapan whitch i tryed to stop taking this week but as soon as i got back to work after 6 months off i feil so dizzy and thought i was gonna lose control and faint any suggestions on why im going dizzy do you think its cause im not eating to well or is this just part of anx :ohmy:

31-01-08, 18:35
Aww burberry hun. I feel for you. Firstly, it always helps to eat well and stay healthy generally, but it seems as though the panic must be a major contributing factor in your reduced appetite. try to eat what you can. It shouldnt really make you feel light headed unless you are not really eating at all, then it will definately make you feel worse and feel more anxious to boot. The diazepam is good for panic and you had a good idea to try and cut it out, but with going back to work after so long maybe now isnt the right time as you have a lot to deal with and new stresses. Give it a few weeks, consult ur doc and then maybe try and stop when ur more settled. Diazepam makes me sleepy sometimes, so if ur feeling weak from lack of food maybe this is why you feel dizzy. I know it's hard but try and hang in there burberry. when your having a bad time it's hard to see a way out but given time you should feel better. My advice would be to talk to your doctor about it, try and eat what you can to keep ur strength up, keep taking the diazepam until you feel a bit steadier and buy a self help book. Keep us updated. Hope all goes well :)

05-02-08, 23:54
G'day Burberry

I get dizzy a lot to and it drives me crazy, my Doc had me on 5mg Diazepam (after numerous tests) but I stopped taking them after a week because they were just making me dopey and with my job I really need to be alert. I found that if I really indulged myself into something work/sport/hobby it would go away, and I would find myself thinking "hey I'm not dizzy anymore" and sure enough as soon as I started thinking about it I would get the dizzies again, so for more it's a sure bet that it was my anxiety that makes me dizzy. Just hang in there and and don't give up hope all will be well.

All the best.


alice G
08-02-08, 14:39
i know how you feel i was on diazepam for many years i was alright while i was taking them then i decided id had enough but i didnt stop taking them i weaned myself off them for about 6 weeks. i had sideaffects and thought it would just be better to start taking them again. but i thought id come this far to keep going i like you felt awlful and i woudlnt eat because i just didnt feel hungry on them. it a catch 22 situation they make you ill on them and your ill if you dont . i think you just have to make your mind up which way you want to go and i know thats not easy believe me ive been there got the t-shirt as they say. i feel dizzy when i hyperventilate because iam panic so it is probably your panic that is doing the most damage with the dizziness and not the tablets. iam sorry i cant help you more but know that there is someone who is going through the same as you

10-02-08, 18:39
Thankyou so much for your advice i think im gonna carry on taking my diazapan but just take half see if that helps i was prob silly thinking i could come straight off them whilst going back to work my anx has got a bit better now at work so thats a plus but still cant eat :shrug:

11-02-08, 12:16
Hi Burberry,
All sound advice and worth giving a go... Also try asking yourself about the Dizzyness. What about it scares you so . Although its uncomfortable you know no one ever die's through dizzyness.
Try to become more comfortable with it and you might find that in time you notice it much less.
Not saying this is easy but it is a truth and will make you feel better in time. I used to feel terrified at my own dizzyness myself until I thought about it and realised that I was letting a dizzy feeling ruin my life.
Its just dizzyness and you WILL be allright................
Good luck, you can do it..

Ma Larkin
11-02-08, 16:47
Hi Burberry,

The dizziness is most probably from poor diet. Can you not try something like Build Up shakes, which give you all the vitamins and minerals you need. I know its easier said than done when you feel you can't eat, but you need to keep your sugar levels up. Bananas are really good as they digest slowly, even if it takes you an hours to eat one, just try and get something inside you hun.

The Diazepam I would advise you to continue taking, even if you do half the dosage. Especially with just going back to work, you may feel anxious, and you can always wean off them as the weeks go by when you begin to feel better.

Good luck and take care.

Les x

11-02-08, 17:16
Yes Im Going To Start Eating More Reg The Doc Has Given Me Some Build Up Suppliments Cause I Have Lost A Stone In Weight In 2 Weeks And I Also Start Cbt This Week So Hopefully They Will Learn Me Not To Be Scared Of My Own Dizzy Feelings And Thanks To Everyone For The Good Advice Xxxxxxxxxxx:d

13-02-08, 12:55
Dizziness may well be from your "fight or flight" mechanism kicking in. If you become anxious in particular situations like a working environment for example, the blood will rush to your muscles to prepare the body to either fight the fear or run away, leaving the brain slightly starved which could be the case, as your symptoms sound pretty similar to mine.
The only thing I have been told to try and combat this is to practice relaxation techniques and manage your breathing in terms of taking a breath in for 7 seconds and then out for 10-11 seconds. This is meant to make the body more relaxed and in turn, you are able to control anxiety a bit better.