View Full Version : hi im new here and think i have ha

31-01-08, 19:07
i had my first panic attack when i was 21 about 16 yrs ago it took 2 yrs to get over but i have had a good few in the mean time especially at stressful times,but this is new,i lost my mum at xmas to the c word and since then i have suffered with my stomach,i have always suffered with burning just under my breastbone infact that was the main cause of my original panic attacks.but in the last month i have been so scared that i have the c that i broke down in doctors room,he has reassured me that i have no symptoms to suggest that i have a serious problem but the reassurance soon wares off,i now have an extra pain low down near my kidneys i had a urinr test which came back yesterday clear,my anxiety is such that i walk around in a daze,most days i have a horrible headache too,ive been on an antidepressant for 4 days now and am hoping that they will help me,does anybody know wat these pains may be please thanks jason

31-01-08, 19:11

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Try not to worry about the aches and pains if you have seen a doctor and had tests that have come back clear, anxiety can give us all sorts of wierd and wondeful symptoms.

take care

Trac xxx

31-01-08, 19:18
Sorry to hear about your mum x

You can get to chat to some nice people on here



31-01-08, 19:19
thankyou trac just a very worrying time,thanks for your time

31-01-08, 19:30

Have you spoken to your doctor about CBT ? I suffered badly with health anxiety and having CBT helped me to put things back into perspective, and I am now able to think rationally when I have an ache or pain.


Trac xxx

31-01-08, 19:48
hi and thanks claire
well trac my doc is sending me for bearevment counselling and he said a pshychiatrist about my health worries,im not sure wat cbt is ive gone all this time trying to make sense of things on my own!

31-01-08, 19:53

CBT is cognitive behavior therapy, it helps you to change the way you think.

Im sorry to hear about your mum, when I lost my grandad and my dad had a massive stroke 8 months later, it kicked off all my health worries, I was convinced i was either going to have a heart attack or a stroke and every twinge, headache really set me worrying.

Trac xx

tayside lassie
31-01-08, 20:01
hiya , im ever so sorry about your mum ,these pains your having are more than likely anxiety because your so stressed and tense , and like what i done a couple of year ago your letting your mind run wild picking up on every ache/pain ,as you probably already know stress and anxiety causes all types of aches ,pains, upset tummy ,headaches ,some awful weird symptoms .im sure youll be all right you know ,you take care of yourself.


31-01-08, 20:02
i know how that feels trac,my mum was my only reliable friend,me and my brothers and sisters watched for 2 weeks as she went and i am sure thats wat has caused this,thing is i think im losing my partner as she just doesnt understand and my 16 yr old daughter is worried sick about me,i have been forcing myself to go to work but yesterday and today i couldnt face it,normally im very outgoin but today i went to town and got very agitated when in a crowd,this is a very awful thing isnt it?

31-01-08, 20:07

Try not to let it take you over though ............says she who allowed that to happen lol.
I let my anxieties take over and ended up agoraphobic, it is all to do with the way we think, and to believe in ourselves.

feel free to pm me anytime

Trac xxx

31-01-08, 20:08
thanks sally for your kind words x +u take care too

tayside lassie
31-01-08, 20:25
hi jason , when i read your other post its like im reading about myself ,i too watched my dear dad slip away ,at one point i thought they would lock me up, i put my family through hell and nearly lost my partner , i really do know how you feel and i hope it wont be to long till you recover your self .i send lots of hugs to you and ill keep you in my prayers .

sally :hugs: xx

31-01-08, 21:16
thankyou sally and i will pray for your long lasting happiness too take carex

31-01-08, 22:41
Im so sorry you have lost your mum.
I have only recently come to realise just what physical symptoms anxiety can cause. I also get alot of rib pain/soreness and upper back pain. Not sure what came first. the anxiety or the pain but whichever way round it is, its a never ending cycle that grinds you down.
I hope the bereavement counselling helps you, once you come terms with whats causing the problems you can take the right steps towards getting better.
Welcome to nmp.
Donna :welcome:

01-02-08, 08:43
Hi Jason,

So sorry to hear about your Mum.

Just to reassure you I get the burning sensations with panic as well - they spread from my stomach sometimes and go all over my body - hideous but definitely all anxiety (although it's hard to convince myself of that at the time).

Your symptoms sound like anxiety and panic to me - all kinds of physical symptoms can poccur just because we are anxious - the mind is very powerful. The good news is that the powerful mind can be harnessed to help us think positively - I am seeing a healer at the moment who has given me some practical stuff to do morning and evening. This is helping me but I am told CBT is excellent too.

Hang in there - you don't have the C word - just hideous anxiety.


01-02-08, 12:31
thanks guys had a prettyn bad morning worrying i had to come home,where i found my endoscopy appointment on the door mat,20th of this month and now im really worried,anybody ever had one ?

01-02-08, 13:42
Hi Jason,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
A constant problem which recurs is that we-as a group-have difficulty in accepting re-assurrance/diagnosis from Doctors.If we were talking about your best friend,would you not be telling him to have faith in his Doc?
Trust in yourself that you have been rigorous in trying to get to the bottom of this and that your Doctor is well qualified in making his diagnosis.
Best wishes,

01-02-08, 16:32
thanks chalky

04-02-08, 16:22
Hi Jason
Sorry to read the sad news about your mum. I lost my mum 11 years ago - seems like yesterday. She also died of cancer - it was a sad time and I miss her loads. After she died my sister started suffering with pain all over her body and she went for loads of tests even went to a pain specialist. In the end they did not find anything wrong. She also had to have an endoscopy which she said was nothing to worry about. Again found nothing wrong. The pain eventually subsided and she is fine now. I think it was all linked with mum's death.

Talking of endoscopies - I am also waiting for an appointment to go for one and am dreading it as much as you must be. I posted my feelings on the forum and had some very comforting responses - have a look under "endoscopy dilemma" and you should see the replies I received. Apparently if you are sedated it's OK although you can be awake (not painful apparently but a little uncomfortable) but I think you are nore conscious of what's going on and I don't want to know! so I shall be opting for sedation definitiely.

Let me know how you get on - I am sure you will be fine.

05-02-08, 23:21
thanks for your reply jane,i do think most of it is down to anxiety but sometimes its hard to believe,my chest pain has eased a bit now but now i have pain down my left side feels like ive pulled something but of course i think its more lol take care hun x