View Full Version : Another new one!!

31-01-08, 21:11
Hello all. Just wanted to introduce myself, I'm cl31 ...33.. just been put on citalopram for anxiety following the birth of my daughter who is 10 weeks old.(which wasn't the best experience)!! I am have been taking citalopram now for 4 days how a few side effects the main one is increased anxiety. I hope I can learn something from your experiences...does anyone else take this?how did it work of you? ............... nice to meet you all!:blush:

31-01-08, 21:18

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

If you type citalopram into the search facility you will find a lot of useful posts relating to this medication.

Take care

Trac xxx

31-01-08, 21:40
welcome cl13:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
There's lots of info on medication here on NMP
Take care luv Richie
x x x x x x x x x x x x
HOpe u find what you're looking for :yesyes:

31-01-08, 21:46
Hi C/13
A big :welcome: :welcome: to the site, hope it helps you.
love Mags xxx

31-01-08, 21:47
Hello C/13. I'm new here today too. :)

31-01-08, 22:31
Hello cl31 :welcome: to you!

I was on Citalopram for 6mnths it worked a treat for me- first few weeks were orrible but then it was fantastic! So try and stick at it.

You're not alone here - plenty of information and advice and plenty of people to talk to!

Pleased to meet you!


31-01-08, 22:35
you'll find lots on citalopram on the medication forum. Ive been on it for a month. First 2 weeks were horrible and made me feel worse but then started to kick in and feel more relaxed but still have the odd bad day. Try and give it a good few weeks and the chances are you'll be glad you did.
Take care

31-01-08, 23:01
hi hon
i started citlopram 10mg 7th jan first week really crap , went up to 20mg 25th last friday had a few bad days really emotional, dont no it that was tablet or just me!!!! but feel so much better now, stick with them, you will start to feel better:yesyes:

the only day wasted is a day without laughter:D

keep us posted
take care

01-02-08, 03:54
Hi CL13



01-02-08, 05:43
Hiya c/13

I'm on citalopram at the moment and have been on and off for about 18 months. Like everyone says, should kick in after around 10 days to 2 weeks.

Are you getting support to deal with the after effects of the birth and being a new mum? Post natal depression/anxiety is really common, you probably know that already. But its also well-recognised and there is lots of support out there.

Take care. You will get lots of understanding and support here.

Hug to you and new baby.


01-02-08, 07:32
Thank you all for your advice... Yes I am getting help to be honest the doctors etc have been excellent, so hopefully there will be a light at the end of the tunnel soon!!:winks:

01-02-08, 11:14

01-02-08, 11:30
Welcome to NMP.

01-02-08, 13:30
Hi Cl13,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:
Congratulations on the birth of your baby.
You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

Pink Princess
01-02-08, 18:35
welcome to the site hope you find it useful xxxxxxx

01-02-08, 21:34
Hi cl13 and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm on citalopram at the moment and found my anxiety increased when I started taking it. Stick with it though because I'm sure it will start helping soon.

Take care,

Mike :)

02-02-08, 11:58
Hello CL13!!

Welcome to NMP!! :) :) :)

I hope we can speak soon!


Wolfie xx

02-02-08, 20:01
Hi Cl13

:welcome: and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely caring people here and make some great friends along the way.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left for loads of advice as well.

03-02-08, 07:53
Thanks all for your welcomes!! Well I have been on the meds now for 7 days and things are getting a little better.

Look forward to chatting to you soon


Hope 2
03-02-08, 10:25
Hi Claire :D

Just read your intro . I have been in a similar situation . I am 35 now but when I was 29, and pregnant with my daughter I developed severe OCD, anxiety and depression . As soon as my baby was born I was put on medication . I am sure they saved me to be honest cos I did start to feel less anxious mainly. No instant cure I am afraid for me tho ! I also started CBT which was a big help too . And my GP was brill though I was terrified when I had to go . Everything 'normal' was near impossible suddenly . But I am used to that now lol .

Of course each person has an individual recovery 'pattern' . But there are so many good folk on here that you will definitely find comfort and support whenever you need it . Just ask ! I usually dont feel confident to offer advice but cos your situation is somewhat similar to mine I felt compelled to offer any help you need . I am very new on here and have struggled for quite some time with my problems. This place is the best thing I have found to aid my recovery . I wish you all the very best and hope that you can take some comfort knowing there are others just like you and you must never feel alone .

Gosh that was a bit of an epic lol
You 'know where I am' anytime :hugs:
Keep your chin up !

Hope x x

Hope 2
03-02-08, 10:33
Hi me again :blush:

Forgot to sat that I am also taking citalopram . Have been for around 2yrs now . Have been on other meds but found this to be the most effective .

Love 2 you and yours x
Hope xx

03-02-08, 16:32
Hi CL13,

Welcome to NMP. I have not personally been on that medication but like someone said there is a medication forum you could look at. Also, you might want to talk to your doctor as your hormones could be out of whack so early after the birth of your daughter and by the way congratulations. Also, try and sleep when she sleeps it will help. You will get tons of support here.



03-02-08, 20:55
Thank you all for your "welcomes" and kind words. I look forward to chatting to you all soon in the near future.

If I can be of help to anyone please just ask:winks: