View Full Version : help please!

01-02-08, 08:37
i really dont like going on about my problems when so many are suffering but i dont know what to do...
i am just trying to make a doctors appointment as i have had enough of this panic/anxiety...
but i have no idea what to say or what to ask for...
i am scared because i have had counselling twice before and never stuck it out but i know i need a hand to turn my life around...
i woke up this morning and panic just struck for no real reason and it was the last straw...
i do have issues that need sorting but when i usually go i just clam up...
i am so fed up...
i am so cross with myself my partner left 6 months ago now and i just cannot get a grip on life...i am not trying to blame that situation but i think it has brought everything to a head again and im more scared as no i feel so alone. i am a single mum and i work full time and feel i am not making a very good job of either right now...
thanks for listening

01-02-08, 09:33
hi im sure your a great mum befor you go to the doctors write it all down on paper wat your feeling thats wat i did even tho i was crying and everything else i mananged to tell him how i felt .writing it down helps at least then your more prepared on how to explain things to the doctor and not forgeting things wen you get ther .sorry im not muchhelp and no wonder your feeling the way you do wat with your partner leaving and you working full time and also being a single mum i think you deserve a medal .let me no how you go on and well don for taking the first step by seeing your doctor tc xx

01-02-08, 11:07
Hi Rach, I agree write it all down before you go to the docs as you can forget things, I am sure you will get some help.You are doing so well with a full time job and children and coping with anxiety, you are a great mum no matter how you fell at this moment. Go to the docs and let it all out i am sure you will get help.:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

01-02-08, 11:44
thank you both very much for your replies...
i could not get an appointment after all that so i have to wait till monday but i will go then... i really want to get back on top of things...

01-02-08, 12:01

You need more than a medal. I am a single mum working full time with anxiety and panic attacks and it is tough and can be very very lonely (although I have a lovely boyfriend now we do not live together).

Over the next few days concentrate on writing everything down, carry a notebook if necessary. Then you can explain everything clearly to the doctor.

Don’t feel ashamed to need to helping hand – we all do from time to time. You will be a wonderful mother and do well at your job – when you are low it is easy for self doubt to kick in – I have been there.

celia davies
03-02-08, 15:29
anxiety and panic attacks come on due to stress or feeling depressed well mine do anyway and im sure your being a brillient mother its a faze we all seem 2 go trough,last week i wanted 2 end it all now i feel ok try an keep your chin up be strong an your get trough this,dont let your anxiety control you,you control your anxiety x

03-02-08, 15:48

There is no other job on earth that is more important nor more difficult than being a mother. Being a single mother that works with anxiety makes it even more of a challenge however it can be done! You must commend yourself that you are asking for help and I agree with the others writing how you are feeling is the best way to communicate with your doctor. If you get tongue tied just hand him your notes. You will get through this and I do hope your visit goes well tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.

:bighug1: ,


03-02-08, 18:00
thank you all so much...
i have written a list ...just hope i can get an appointment now