View Full Version : This is the weirdest feeling for me

01-02-08, 10:49
i often get the feeling that my whole body is bouncing, when i was little i never liked lifts because of how i felt after getting out of the lift, i would still feel like im moving for a split second. Its weird

Its not really a balance issue, its more that i feel like im bouncing, its mostly when im stood still tho, this was what really started my anxiety 3 years ago, if i was in a shop i would feel ok, but it was when i hit the queue it would all start, i would stop walking and my legs would feel like there still going, then i'd start the suffocating feeling and the dizzyness.
It especially weird tho because its not a constant thing, if im not having an anxious day, which is rare but it does happen, i can walk around freely and not feel these things.
I know that anxiety can make you feel a huge variety of symptoms and all of them are horrible, and this what im feeling is more than likely just my immagination, but it doesnt make it any easier to deal with.

Its hard to imagine life before the panic set in now, wish i could get my life back.

01-02-08, 11:20
Hi Billy, this is all anxiety as you say when you don't have anxiety you don't feel this way. Try not to dwell on this feeling try to distract yourself when it comes over you.
Good luck:bighug1:

01-02-08, 12:22
Hi to you billy , i can relate to thi s feeling,Althought i now avoid lifs like the plague, naughty of me i know, i,m was like this too waiting in q,s i would turn and leave before i embaressed mself further.Things have got easier for me over the yrs but like all of us on here i to would love my life back, but for now i try my hardest to except what is happening to me.Breathing excercises, distractions, walking my dog ,all these things have helpt me a great deal.Take care . :bighug1:

Pink Panic
01-02-08, 13:41
Hi Billy and welcome :hugs:

I can totally relate to this feeling too. It's horrid and i hate it and it's another awful anx symptom.
Sometimes i can ignore it and get on with what i'm doing and other times i feel it takes me over.
