View Full Version : anyone get this!!

tayside lassie
01-02-08, 12:19
hi guys , Ive been doing really good these days with help from my new friend rescue remedy spray ,but like this morning feeling fine so i decided to clean all the cooker , then thought ill give the bathroom the works walls as well just as i was about finished i started feeling my mood change then felt a bit anxious its happened a few times and i dont know why ,do any of you guys get this ? see it makes me want to start my old tricks again you know worrying about my health and so on but im managing to shake it off .

sally..... :shrug:

01-02-08, 15:54
I know exactly what you mean about mood changes. I can go upstairs perfectly happy and come bsck down feeling anxious for no reason. I find it very annoying. Like you I get days when I can do all the housework with no problem and others when I just sit and worry all day. I have never managed to identify what triggers these mood swings.

01-02-08, 17:04
I know exactly what you mean, i get the same after having a good old clean, but with me i think it's something to do with all the chemicals in cleaners etc.... makes me a bit light headed and then i worry that i might have breathed to much in!!

01-02-08, 17:32
yes i know exactley what you mean. i can feel fine one minute and then anxiety hits again. i was always wondering if it was just me that gets this. i am glad its not only me, i thought there was something sinister wrong with me
love debera :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

tayside lassie
01-02-08, 17:44
thank goodness i really thought there was something mentally wrong me ,i wonder if its something to do with menopause , its horrible when you feel really good and then bang worrying about everything , weird .


01-02-08, 18:20
Could be the clorine in cleaning products, clorine always makes me nervous.

try changing to a more eco-friendly cleaner and see if it helps, at the very least you'll help save the world lol

Also mood swings/changes are normal for people suffering from anxiety/depression

01-02-08, 19:05
I can go from feeling really happy and at peace to a nervous wreck in a blink of an eye for seemingly no reason at all :mad:

01-02-08, 21:43
hi. i got this when i was on my way to recovery - just little episodes of suddenly feeling anxious - the more i learnt to accept it - the quicker and quicker it passed and i can honestly say that i haven;t had it for weeks now so i am sure you will be the same if you just float through these patches.

tayside lassie
01-02-08, 21:54
thanks everyone for taking the time to reply it helps to know its not just me
and joannap that's what im trying to do but today it took a good half hour ,then i was fine Ive had a really good week been out 5 times ON MY OWN and today i thought huh might have guessed ,but no its stayed away as usual my fingers are crossed .
