View Full Version : stuck in a rut

08-03-05, 21:18
hello again, well over the last few months have had few problems not so much with anxiety or panic but family members in hospital and one thing after another. Also had to have one of my dogs put to sleep in Aug,that really knocked me for six :(.
Anyhow just plodding along as best I can but feel ,not badly depressed but
oh dear can't explain[Sigh...]. Can't get up much enthusiasm for much and going crazy with boredom.
I also have on going problem with my foot which means I can't walk as far as I did ,used to 20 mins a day every day .
What do you all do with your time [?] I don't work getting on a bit now:D
so the time drags.
love kiz xx don't think I explained any of that very well but thats another thing my brain seems to have gone to sleep:D

08-03-05, 21:49
hi sorry you feel a bit low but think we all hit times where we get stuck im sure you will feel much better soon

fan x

08-03-05, 21:56

Sorry about the dog must have been very upsetting.

You are not that old lol. My mum is 66 this year and still working and going strong. You are only as old as you feel lol.

Can you do some voluntary work atall?


08-03-05, 22:27
Hi Kiz

Sorry about your dog that must have been hard on you. Your post came across fine so there is nothing wrong there.

Sorry it has been a hard time for you, but you are still the same old Kizzy we know.

It will be hard having a problem with your foot but i hope you are getting medical support over that.

You have had a hard time with family members been in hospital, and however strong we are it does get to us.

Just remember we are here for you and it is great to hear from you again.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

09-03-05, 01:29
hi kizzy, during the days when all my family are at work, its just me and my cat ( old woman, who is losing her marbles ). I cant tell you how much she has helped me. So i know what it would mean to lose, not a pet, but a friend. Try and keep your chin up. I am also well aquainted with bordom, but i try to do something new everyday. Hope ur ok


09-03-05, 08:04
:) thanks for input,friends.

rozocaine,you made me :Dwith the old lady losing her marbles bit,thats two of us then:D.
sal there is nothing more the hospital can do for the foot,have had over twelve months treatment,now have insoles for shoes and they do help a bit but can't overdoe things or gets worse.
nic regards voluntary work have looked but all require standing for few hours so that is out at the mo.

I think what I was trying to say also was over the years even with bad depression and panic I have always taken care of everyone else and now feel its time I did something for me,does that sound selfish[?] now I have the time I can't find anything to do,don't have really close friends.
shall keep looking though sure something will turn up.
love kiz xx ps ,thanks for understanding about my dog too as not everyone does,they think oh its just a dog,get over it:(

09-03-05, 09:22
Hi Kiz

It isnt selfish at all. Its your time now you have looked after others now you need to look after yourself.

I know how hard it is losing a dog and some people dont understand, but any pet becomes part of the family and some can be a lot nicer that humans!!!!

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

09-03-05, 15:07
thanks sal, yes you are right about the pets and my old boy saw me through some rough times.

love kiz:)

09-03-05, 15:16
Hi Kizzy, Sorry to hear you are feeling down at the moment. I know how you feel as I seem to have been doing great for a few months and then I have had both my kids with chickenpox for the last 2 weeks and now I've got shingles which is making me really depressed at the moment. I really sympathize with you about your dog as I had to have mine put to sleep in September last year, she was 11 years old and couldn't walk as she had arthritis and became incontinent and it was terrible to watch her suffering so much and the vet said I was doing the kindest thing possible by having her put to sleep but it broke my heart and couldn't bear to watch so just had to leave her there which still haunts me as I imagine how frightened she must have been. I have had another dog from the dogs home and he is lovely but it doesn't make things any easier. I love him to bits but I still think about my other dog every day and feel like I let her down in some way. I still have bad days when i can't get any motivation to do anything and feel like a complete failure, I don't work, the kids are at school all day and if it wasn't for this website I don't know what i would do, everyone has been so helpful and friendly and it is nice to know I am not alone with my problems.
I really hope things get better for you, take care and hope to hear more from you soon.
Love Lisaxx P.s sorry to hear you are suffering with your foot

09-03-05, 15:56
Hi Lisa,thanks for your kind words,brought tears to my eyes reading about your dog:(. You didn't let her down you ended the pain for her. The last minutes are over very very quickly so she wouldn't be afraid too long.
Glad you have another to help ease the pain,I have two both from dogs home,they are lovely but as you say not like the ones we lost.

Foot not too bad today thanks,have managed to give dogs good run.

take care,love kiz xx ps agree about this web site, we are so lucky.thanks nic[:X]

09-03-05, 18:06
hi glad your foot is a bit better and you have been able to get out and exercise the dogs i bet the fresh air made you feel a bit better too. i try get out every day even if i have no where in particular to go always good to get home though lol

fan x

09-03-05, 19:56

Sorry I didn't think when I said about the voluntary work - yes it would involve standing I guess.

Have you got any hobbies that you can do from home atall?


09-03-05, 20:47
hello again,well this forum is alleviating some of my boredom now:D
so thank you.
Fran yes it did make me feel better to go out today,when I say I gave the dogs a good its they who run I just throw the ball:D and I drive to the field in the car to save my footl:D.

nic haven't really got any hobbies ,love gardening when its time but everywhere to wet and soggy yet.
I am looking for something to get me out and about meeting people a bit more,may have a look see what the over 50's get up to ,I'm easy so long as its not bingo[:O].
take care all
love kiz xx

09-03-05, 22:27
Hi Kiz

Aslong as you are still managing to get out and about that is great.

You know there is always some one on site to talk to you if you need and feel free to email me if you want to anytime.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

10-03-05, 19:54

Perhaps the gardening could be a nice little earner. Ask around if any of the neighbours want their gardens doing for a price!!

Just an idea.


11-03-05, 07:44
thanks sal and nic will think about the gardening.
take care love kiz xx:D