View Full Version : Hi, from Borehamwood, Hertfordshire

01-02-08, 16:44
Hi everyone :)

I am 55 years old, have two smashing grown up kids (or so they tell me)! Four lovely grandkids, a loving and supportive hubby and one golden retriever dog who is as nutty as a fruit cake.

I have suffered with anxiety/panic since my thirties, (when my thyroid started running overactive). I was lucky enough to be able to work through out my married life and travel as my hubby was serving in the Army.

I am now registered disabled due to ill health and my hubby is my career. I have been suffering badly with anxiety/panic and agoraphobia for the past two years. I have had some councelling and have a lovely girl who calls out to see my once a month. Each day is a challenge, some more than most! I have a real fear of travelling anywhere by car, but try to make small journeys a couple of times a week, I also force myself to go out for a walk (all be it a small one)! every day with my hubby. It has taken two years to be able to do this as when it first happened I couldn't go outside my front door.

I have found this site to be a life saver.

Good luck to everyone using this site.


01-02-08, 16:48
Hi Diane and :welcome: you will get lots of support here and friendly advise to.There all wonderfull here.:bighug1:

01-02-08, 17:08
Hi and welcome :)


01-02-08, 17:51
Hi Diane,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

Pink Princess
01-02-08, 18:30
welcome xxxxxxx

01-02-08, 21:26
Hi Diane and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Well done on all the brilliant progress you're making. :yesyes:

Take care,

Mike :)

01-02-08, 22:36
Hello Diane:welcome: to you!

Glad you joined us here - this site certainly makes a difference to so many of us.

You , like me, are lucky enough to have a support from your hubby but it's still good to know we're not alone eh?

Pleased to meet you!


02-02-08, 12:04

02-02-08, 14:04
Hi Diane,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

It's great to hear that you have a very supportive partner.
You will get loads of support and advice here,too.

Best wishes,

02-02-08, 19:59
Hi Diane

:welcome: and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely caring people here and make some great friends along the way.

Have you had any help such as CBT by the way?

03-02-08, 04:36
hi there i am from herts too - my name is lea
welcome to nmp here to help you all that i can

feel free to contact me if ya want to chat or vent


lea xx

03-02-08, 16:28
Hi Diane,

Welcome to NMP. Wow it sounds like you have led an exciting life so far. I also suffer from anxiety and have a hypothyroid which right now has turned hyper. :shrug: It does wreck havoc with your anxiety and just about everything else! I applaud you for not giving in to your anxiety and for still trying to get out there. Take small steps and you will overcome it. You will get tons of support here. Take care.



04-02-08, 16:13
Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me.

I have heard of CBT Nicola, two years ago when I had been ill for some time my doctor called the crash team to visit me at home. A couple of days after that I had got into the car with my hubby and as he pulled off to turn onto the main road I had a major panic attack. To cut a long story short we manged to get home 2hrs later even though I was only about 200yrds from my house. When I arrived home I laughed about what had happened and seemed o.k. The following morning I found I couldn't step outside my front or back door.

I was supposed to travel to Potters Bar to see the consultant and phoned her up and told her what had happened. I was told they would not call out to see me, I was given an appointment and told the only way to deal with this was to 'bite the bullet' and force myself to get in the car to get over to see her. She said I could have three appointments and if after missing all three I still couldn't manage it she would send a social worker out to see me.

Carol (my s.w.) has been calling out to see me since. After a couple of months of not being able to get out, I posted a message for help on an AOL message forum asking for help from anyone who had suffered with panic attacks. I thankfully, I received alot of replies and one man suggested CBT and explained what it was. I then contacted the physciatrist at Potters Bar and asked her if she had heard of it and could I have it. I was told yes, she did know about CBT but it was done at the Edgeware hospital and as I couldn't travel there by car it was no use to me, and if I was able to get there by car I wouldn't need it anyway!

My hubby bought me a book about CBT and we have managed to work out a progamme for me to follow. I try to turn everything to a positive..(even though it is easier said than done). When I am out walking and I feel the fear and the panic start to rear its ugly head I question 'what I am afraid of and why'. I have been able to attend a 6 week course explaining what happens to the body in a panic attack and how to stop the 'spiralling effect' before it takes over.

My biggest problem is travelling anywhere by car. I have always been an anxious passenger before this happened. I once panicked years ago while travelling on the motorway with my hubby and kids and tried to open my door to get out while we were overtaking a lorry... I stopped travelling on motorways, then on dual carriageways. Now I am terrified everytime I go anywhere by car, I am worse if we have to stop at lights, roundabouts, in traffic or junctions, I have to battle with myself not to try getting out of the car as I feel trapped and feel I must get out.

I have prattled on and on Nicola, I hope you will forgive me, but it feels so good to get it all out.


'Your imagination is always much worse than the reality':D