View Full Version : Had a biopsy today and I am now a total mess!

01-02-08, 21:43
I had a biopsy of the uterus and I am terrified now!!! TO check for cancer.

I am sick. I am scared!!!

How am I going to wait three weeks without knowing the results??

01-02-08, 21:49
I recently had some biopsies of my colon and I was convinced it was cancer.

Of course it wasn't.

The way I coped was to think "what will be will be and I will face that bridge when we get to it".

You can't change the results and worrying about it won't change the outcome and all it does is make you feel worse.

So accept that you have had this done and you will get the results as soon as they know.

Try to not think too long and hard - it could be nothing and all you will do is put yourself through loads of misery whilst you wait.

Good luck anyway.

01-02-08, 23:54
I don't know why you had the biopsy, but if it was in with a hysteroscopy and they did it while they were in there, you have very little to worry about. Cancer of the inside of the uterus is very rare, but they always check just in case. If it does turn out to be cancer, then it will have been found at a very early stage when it is very treatable.

02-02-08, 00:32
Hi Snuggles,

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Sometimes the thought of the wait seems worse than any potential result.
First of all,getting this properly checked out was a good thing to do.
Second,try to think of this only as one day at a time.Taking the focus away from the long wait and focusing on "i can wait for just one day" may help ease the pressure a little.
Set yourself a target of taking up a new hobby,doing something you've been putting off or anything else which comes to mind-anything to focus your mind on womething positive.
Doing this should help the time pass more quickly.
As others have said,this condition is treatable.
Best wishes,

02-02-08, 04:49
I had the biopsy done because I have been bleeding heavy and irregular. This time however I have been really bleeding. SO when I went to see the doctor she did a biopsy. I have PCOS. Poly cystic ovaries.

02-02-08, 14:36
How am I going to wait three weeks? I asked the doctor if something is wrong could you call me. She said no I will see you in three and a half weeks for your results in my office!

03-02-08, 18:10
I started bleeding again today. It went to just spotting after the biopsy. I am now back to flow and feeling like I must have cancer if the bleeding is not stopping.

03-02-08, 21:36
hi snuggles, i had hysterectomy on dec last year, i had very large fibroid which caused me horrendous bleeding, before my op they done a uterous biopsy, it came back all clear, im sure its just a precaution, please try not to worry, hysterectomy was the best thing i ever done, i feel so good now, and no more bleeding ever again:D . im sure everthing will work out for you too:hugs:
joan xxx

03-02-08, 21:39
I have had gynae surgery more than once, trust me I thought i had cancer, but it wasnt!!
At the time its impossible to think rational and no matter what anyone told me I was convinced of the worst,
On another occasion I had gynae surgery I was very close to having a hysterectomy because of the heavy peroiods and anaemia but surgery sorted, I hope you feel better from posts on here, please pm if i can help at all, Im sure you will be oK. You can always ring the specialist secretary and try to bring appt forward and explain why??
Take care,.xxxx

04-02-08, 08:33
Last summer I had problems with painful periods and had a hysteroscopy and D&C carried out. All was fine but I, like you, assumed the worse going on in there :ohmy:

My problems turned out to be endometriosis but prior to my procedure I asked the consultant what the problem could be if there was nothing to be found and he said that I would then be suffering with a "dysfunctional uterus". You may be advised to have a Mirena coil fitted.

Try not to worry :hugs:

04-02-08, 11:42
I want another baby. Pray I don't lose my uterus!

05-02-08, 09:44
why do you think you're going to lose your uterus? :huh:

05-02-08, 11:25
I think I have cancer and they are going to have to take it out. Today my fears tell me it to too late the cancer has spread to other places in my body. I have to do something for the anxiety. I have never had to take medication for it but I think I am not going to have any choice but to now.

22-02-08, 19:26

I had a biopsy in October and had to wait two weeks for the results. My test came back positive with abnormal cells. You could have knocked me over with a feather! Anyway all was not lost. For the treatment I was offered some progesterone tablets or a hysterectomy. The consultant said that it definately wasn't cancer. She told me that it was the same as having abnormal cell in your cervix and didn't seem too concerned. I decided to go for the hysterectomy and have since received the results from the lab and it wasn't cancerous.

I'm sure that you will be ok but even if you do get a positive result it won't necessarily mean the worst.

Take care

22-02-08, 21:41
My SIL had a period for approx. 6 months on and off...she is 50. She had everything checked out but it turned up to be unexplained. Hope it comes back all ok and that you solve your problems, I have PCOS and my periods can be all over the place. PCOS can cause a load of problems hopefully it's nothing serious!