View Full Version : ectopics going crazy - help

01-02-08, 23:12
Please help, can anyone calm me down. I have had these for about a year, only a few every now and then. today im having so many, about 30 so far, they just seem to keep coming and im convinced im going to die, not far off calling an ambulance, ive never had them like this before. it feels like i cant breathe, or if im not breathing enough they happen more. does anyone else get them like this. Sometimes i think if i have a blocked nose and do not breathe enough they happen - please help im really scared


01-02-08, 23:16
please dont be scared dolly,you need to try and relax.Try and do something to keep your mind occupied,have a warm bath and a warm milky drink.Trust me you are not going to die sweety.

01-02-08, 23:25
hi dolly
dont be scared. i have had ectopics for two years now. they happend after my mother passed away.somedays i can get a few and other days i can have them for hours at a time. i know they are very scarey but they are harmless and they wont hurt you. when i first got them i thought my days were numbered. but the doc sayed they were all down to anxiety. try to keep your self busy and distracted and try not to panic about them. if you want pm me when every you feel like it
love debera x x :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

01-02-08, 23:38
thanks guys, im in full blown panic right now can barley type, numb fingers,have called my other half home from work, trying not to call ambulance, may get him to take me to hospital. cant stop shaking, have not had a pa like this in years.

01-02-08, 23:42

i have had them for 9 years i get them most days hun some days worse than others
i have felt just as you do now but hey the more you panic the worse they get ok try not to think about them to much ect
i have had a few doc tell me if you put your hands in ice water or make your self sneez it helos and splash you face with cold water to
remember you will be ok such a lot of ppl get then i tey just to forget about them and take my mind of them they go away

jodie :hugs:

01-02-08, 23:56
Thanks everyone, that really helps, ive calmed down a bit now and they arn't coming so frequently now. I really freaked out this time, i think id rather have anything than these.

Rachey poos
02-02-08, 08:09
hi babes i get them one after the other some days like every other beat... when i am havin a panic attack i get them to the point that myheart goes all irregular....... just try to take our words on baord and believe them and eventualy they will go........ i have a blog to help me.. click on the link below and check some of my posts..terrible times!

06-02-08, 05:45
Hi Dolly

I know how you feel, I have had them know for about 18 months and it freaks me out every single time. Sometimes I would get them everyday for a couple of weeks and then sometimes they would go away for weeks. I didn't even know what they were until I read about them on this site, and it looks as though they are quite common which has made me feel heaps better. My wife and my Dad said that they get them now and then but it doesn't bother them at all, so I reckon it's that we are so attuned to our bodies that we feel every little twinge and niggle which then increases anxiety levels and I sometimes feel that I just sit there waiting for it to happen which drives me crazy. As every one else has said try to keep yourself distracted and they should go away.
Good Luck

06-02-08, 17:15
Hey dolly?

How are you doing now??

I also suffer and I totally sympathise with you, but rest assured that I have had them for mega years and Im still here moaning about them!!

Shaz x