View Full Version : Another Symptom! and Another,,,,,and Another

02-02-08, 14:33
Its never ending!!!!!!!
I'm so sick of it. When one symptom goes away i ALWAYS get another! Now i'm lightheaded and nauseaous. I just can't function like this anymore but the dr's won't do anything either, they just send me home and chalk it up as more anxiety,,,which it probably is,,,,but there's always that feeling in the back of my head that maybe its More. I've had people tell me "just go with your instincts" Can we do that? My instincts always tell me its the worst, Cancer, brain tumor, etc. I've been to the dr so many times in the past 2 weeks and its getting rediculous,,,and expensive! The dr's don't even do any tests they just think i'm a nutcase and send me home with little to no answers:mad: I know they're probably frustrated too cuz they don't know what to do with me. I keep thinking,,one of these days they're gonna send me home with what they think is panic/anxiety and i'm gonna end up dead cuz it was something serious but they didn't think so cuz of all my symptoms. Is anyone else afraid of that? So how do you handle it? Do you keep going to the dr or do you just say forget it and see what happens? The dr's here in the US must be different cuz i've read alot of you say that your dr's take tests and actually check you but mine don't:weep:

02-02-08, 16:14
it does sound like they are different but at the same time if you are paying dont just be fobbed off its your money your paying with demand tests if it will make you feel better , i know i did an ecg few weeks back but obv i dont have to pay but i would keep pressuring them good luck xxxx

03-02-08, 15:49
Hi Panicagain,

If you are anything like me-and your thread leads me to believe so-you have an inability to accept a Doctor's clinical judgement at face value.You seem to have been examined by more than one doctor recently yet their diagnosis is the same.
Are you actually being treated for anxiety,e.g. with meds or C.B.T.or are you stuck in that vacuum where things have not yet been sorted ?
Sometimes,it takes persistence with just one doctor to get a definite treatment plan started.
I understand that fear you are feeling because I,too,have been there.Right now,being rational,cool,calm and collected may not seem possible but you can do this.
The physical symptoms are scary but the reality is that your body is designed to cope with this stress and more.
You can and will get better.
Believe in yourself.
Best wishes,

03-02-08, 19:08
hi. i have to agree with chalky. the nature of anxiety is that it will produce one symptom after another to stay alive so if you are reassured about one symptom for it to go and you then get another to replace it - you can be sure it is anxiety up to its tricks. the thing is that gps have a duty of care so i am sure if you were presenting any other symptoms that were a cause for concern then you would be investigated - however - tests purely for your peace of mind would probably be detrimental as they would cause more stress and your body would then probably throw up another symptom and so the cycle goes on.

i do sympathise - i head terrible constant headaches for 3 years! i begged the gp for a brain scan but they refused saying that i had no symptoms to suggest a tumour etc and they gave me prozac (which worked and got rid of them!) - it was a symptom of anxiety/depression although at the time i was convinced it was my physical symptoms causing anxiety and not the other way round. the trouble is that x rays/scans etc can actually do a healthy body more harm than good. it does sound as if you have classic health anxiety. any of us at any time could be struck down with an illness or a pain could turn out to be something more sinister but v rarely - the trouble is that the fear/bodily symptom/fear cycle has taken over your life - you need to accept that the gp's have checked you out and that you are ok - the symptoms will not calm down until you calm down.

i once asked my counsellor how i would know if i was genuinely ill and she said that you would have more symptoms such as temperature etc etc - anxiety causes very debilitating physical symtoms but most are "intangible" in that nothing shows up on results etc or checks out at the surgery because they are emotional/adrenalin based.

if you are not on any meds it sounds as if something to calm you down or some counselling is the way forward. xx

07-02-08, 17:50
I'm dealing with this too. As soon as one symptom goes away, another one takes its place. It's like my body refuses to just feel "normal" for awhile. Very discouraging, isn't it? I started meds recently and am starting to feel a bit better though. Also, when a crazy thought comes into my head like I think I have cancer or something, I try to just say "so what, who cares?!" and move on to my next activity. Sometimes that helps, sometimes not. I hope you are doing better today. :hugs: