View Full Version : Nothing like a panic attack at 3:30 am

09-03-05, 11:19
These are the worst and after a good couple of days, it struck me a few hours ago. I went back to sleep (thankfully), but now I feel like I haven't slept at all.
I think maybe these are caused by the weird feeling you sometimes get between being awake and being asleep.
Does anyone else suffer from these nighttime attacks? If so, how do you handle it?

09-03-05, 11:29

Before i started taking medication my worst times were the night. I would wake up in a complete panic attack practically frozen to my bed, then the anticipation of it happening the next night turned into a viscious circle.

I found it really hard aswell because you can just call some one and during the night my support network wasnt available and i didnt want to call and wake someone. Plus during the night i found nothing to preoccupy my mind, couldnt go out shopping etc.

It is hard, but after a couple of panic free nights i managed to get back into a routine.

I really feel for you as i know how hard it is.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

09-03-05, 12:04
Hi Sickofit,

I know how you feel, the worst ones I used to have were in the night and they are so frightening, I used to be scared of going back to sleep in case I didn't wake up. Alot of mine were cause by alcohol and Low blood sugar and found I didn't have as many when i dind't have a drink. I used to go downstairs and pace up and down the living room or stand outside to get some air. I also kept a portabel cd player with headphones by the bed and found that if I played a classical music cd or some other music it would help me relax and I would end up falling asleep with the headphones still on my ears. You could give this a go or have a snack by the bed such as a banana which might help or even read a book anything to distract yourself from the racing thoughts in your head. I don't have them too often now but when i do they are still as frightening as ever, it does get easier though I promise. My boyfriend used to get really annoyed and just used to tell me to go back to sleep and that I wasn't going to die and that I was being stupid which is what I didn't want to hear you just want someone to comfort you and give you a hug and tell you that everything will be o.k but I just used to get shouted at.

Hope this helps a bit
Take care
Love Lisaxx

09-03-05, 15:45
I know exactly how you feel, night time always seems worse, it's quite a lonely time, usually i switch the lamp on, the radio or personal cd quietly, drink water, maybe even look out of the window anything to distract myself, if it gets bad i sometimes get up, put the tv on upstairs and watch a film, hubby isn't too pleased, but he, many years ago, also used too have little sympathy, i soon put a stop to that though. We sometimes sleep seperately ( he works nights) so it works for us

09-03-05, 16:01
i was just going to post about this, when i saw your post. not only do i get them at night but also this afternoon i went to have a sleep, and i woke up suddenly with the most intense feeling of panic, my right leg had totally gone to sleep and it has left me feeling very shaky an tingling all over. now i'm worried its something to do with my heart when i'm asleep day or night, any one have any ideas

09-03-05, 17:31
I can identify, my attacks began by me being awakened in the middle of the night. I thought that I was having asthma attacks until I finally had a full blown attack. I am on Zoloft now and have been for about 4 months. I am doing so much better. However, every now and then I am still awaken with that feeling.[xx(]

Ps what part of the states are you from?
Take care!!!


10-03-05, 21:17

Im 14, and im not sure if panicking woke me up, or a started panicking when i woke up, but anyway i woke up and i was shaking and my heart was racing, i dont really know what happened because i went to sleep like 3 seconds later it was strange, i did fell tired the next morning, but i cant remeber alot! lol
Take care

Chaz xx

15-06-06, 18:34
hi yes i all so with night time panic attacks as well they turn in to fear for me the only way a manage to control them is to take deep breaths and i also have a wet towel so i can wipe my face when i get to hot put i really do know how u feel if you need to talk am bernadette

22-06-06, 19:27

I have had those symptoms years ago - from a condition called CANDIDA. It is an overgrowth of yeast in the gut - caused from too many anti-biotics, yeast, and sugar which feeds the yeast. Check it out yourself on the web. Search for CANDIDA symptoms and see if that sounds like you. I treated myself with CAPRYLIC ACID (from the health food store) and after two days my panic attacks stopped. What a relief! It took about two years of a good diet free from sugar, yeast, and supplements to kill the yeast from the health food store before I began feeling like a human again.


23-06-06, 22:28
When we feel disorientated and in a semi sleep state, it's easier to get scared and misinterpret whats going on within yourself.

Night panics are so scary. If you can't get back to sleep quickly, the its often worth getting up and then resettling yourself after a drink or reorientating by doing a familar task or reading a book for a bit.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

30-01-08, 10:52

Is there anybody who is anxious during cyclone, especially at night?

Please help.


wayne lewis
08-09-08, 07:39
yes. i get a paper bag and take slow breaths into it counting to 4 in between each breath. and think about happy and positive thoughts

08-09-08, 10:55
I have just posted a similar thread myself when i stumbled upon this one. I had a terrible night last night and am shocked at how physically ill i felt from the panic and depression. Trying to think happy and positive thoughts at the moment i find almost impossible, the negativity in me is driving me mad, in fact these night time things make me feel like i am totally losing it! x