View Full Version : worse physical symptoms

02-02-08, 16:37
Hi all,

I havent been on here for a while because, i always felt anxious reading about anxiety lol, sounds funny but it's true, i have been hiding from it, I thought if i ignored it it will go away!! we all know that doesnt happen right?

I did go through a few months of feeling relatively better, felt ok on my own again, which i mentioned in my last posts that i couldnt face.

But now I have had a hard time since Christmas with work, money and family problems and the panic attacks are back. I had the usual, cold/hot feelings, wanting to run, not be alone, shivers, racing heart, fast breathing, trouble sleeping and the actual attack would last minutes to a couple of hours, but then my son had a sudden medical emergency and since then my symptoms have got worse, i started with feeling like my tongue was swelling, I couldnt swallow, major panic, up n down to the loo, real scared feeling that lasted until i fell asleep, which was 5 hours after it started. Then nothing for 2 weeks, then the same again and i went to the dr, (a week ago) and she wants to see me on tuesday to see if i want to go on one or combination of fluoxetine & cognitive behaviour therapy & see a psychiatric nurse for her opinion. I really dont want to take fluoxetine but i am now constantly feeling like my tongue is not mine, i have no control of it, i cant swallow, cant eat and cant drink without really concentrating on swallowing, I'm hoping that someone understands what i mean because it is really distressing me. the attack started last night about 10.30 lasted til i fell asleep around 5.30am!!, had to get up to go to work and at 2pm today this feeling is back and i really dont know what to do. I am keeping as calm as i can but this sensation will not go.
Has anyone else had this? ive read its a normal symptom of anxiety but iv never had it so bad.
I came on this sit before and wrote about my problem but was holding back abit coz i felt silly, but its gone beyond that, this is really scaring me and i cant function.
The tongue problem always starts at night so maybe its because im then getting tired and today iv got it may be because i never slept last night??

so sorry to go on but i needed to blurt this all out because its driving me nuts.

02-02-08, 19:26
Hi Redrobin
Sounds like you're really going through it at the moment. I haven't had any symptoms with my tongue but i am sure i have read other posts where people have described exactly the same as you.
I'm sorry i dont have any real advice except with all anxiety symptoms the more you think about them the worse they get and its a vicious circle.
I know the citaolpram im taking has helped me relax a bit more (after 2 weeks of hell!) and i am not obsessing over physical symptoms like i did so many of them have subsided.
Good luck
Donna x

02-02-08, 19:57
Hi Redrobin

I have and get this symptoms i find that listen to music (my favorite song and singing as lound as i can not that it sounds any good),haven a bath with some lavander oil in,haven a back rub,and even doing puzzles, sometimes when i get this i chew gum or have some mints and try to get it in my head thats its fine and i am not haven a reaction to anything and so on you know how our minds wonders? and i get my self distracted from my thoughts and it gose away. i hope this has helped please feel free to pm or add me to msn if you want to chat about it.

I am so sorry that your going thro a rough time, i hope things gets better for you and soon.

Amanda xx



02-02-08, 22:33
Hi and thank you for your replies, it wont go away tonight, but going from mild to severe, been in tears alot. too afraid to move.need a shower but too scared to go upstairs where im on my own, too scared to go to bed for the same reason, this may sound pathetic but its how im feeling at this moment , im not normally afraid to do anything normal like that.
doglover, i was given citlopram before but never took them what are they like? iv just been offered fluoxetine but the fear of things getting worse for a while first puts me off.
hunny_as i will try some of the things you suggested thanks. iv gone to pick up the phone a few times to call a dr but iv not done it because i know what it is really and its just scarey and unpleasant.
Thank you

02-02-08, 22:57
Hi again
Ive found the citalopram really helpful. It did heighten my anxiety but settled down after a couple of weeks and although it was tempting to stop taking them im glad i persevered. Definately calmed me down.
Not everyone has the side effects, infact when i was on them a year or so ago for the first time i didn't have any at all.
Im someone who doesn't mind being on meds so long as they do the job but i know not everyone feels like that.
Maybe something for you to consider
Donna x

02-02-08, 23:12
hi Redrobin, I've had this tongue thing as well. sometimes I even thought I should attach a clothes peg it to make me feel I had control. It was always worse when I was desperately short of sleep or particularly stressed. I coped by watching loads of TV and DVD's to take my mind off it sufficiently to let me drift off to sleep and feel improved when I woke up. Try sipping cold drinks frequently as that might help too. Hope it improves soon.