View Full Version : having a bit of a panic tonight

02-02-08, 19:13
Things are not really going to well for me at the moment and I just wanted to advice or reasurance to see if anybody had a similar thing.

My left eye normally goes funny when I am a bit stressed but lately it seems a lot more fuzzier and out of place, I can still see out of itm there are no spots or anything maybe it just a bit blurry but thats about it, but I think thats about all the problem is though I am trying to calm myself.

I keep thinking it's the start of motor Neaurones diease! Then my back has been twitching since this morning, just on the one side...now I am feeling all weak and I KNOW it's possibly anx. I mean come on, but telling my brain that is another story. Then my leg started to twitch, I feel a bit light headed now because I am starting to stress and my eye is getting on my nerves though only recently I had them checked and the eye doc recons all is ok they even took pictures of my cornia's.

Then last night when I was going to bed my heart suddenly had some palpitations and I totally freaked out. I don't know if it's all stress, the other day I just wanted to sit in a ball and cry because I feel that to much is expected on me, studying, working, being a mum it's so hard and exhausting! Maybe I am weak and just not cut out for things. I just wish that the pulpitations/twitching and crappy eye go away!!!!!! I just want to cry tonight it's really doing my head in.

I just wish it would all go away does anybody have a similar thing?

02-02-08, 19:30
I've had all those symptoms and can reassure you it is down to stress and anxiety.
Try and keep yourself occupied with something you can focus on and which you enjoy. It will go away soon enough. Stay positive and i hope you feel better soon
Donna x

02-02-08, 23:38
Thank you Doglover, it's comforting to know people suffer similar symptoms when you put it all together it just really freaks me out. I am so tired tonight but petrified to close my eyes.

03-02-08, 00:32
Hi Janie,

I certainly recognize your symptoms.I've had man flu for the last week and it has certainly affected my anxiety levels.
Have you ever noticed that we only really,really doubt our worth when we are feeling low.The rest of the time we are able to accept ourselves as valued,loving and loved people.
This too shall pass.
best wishes,

04-02-08, 23:55
Hiya, just to reasure you that I have been feeling the same too. Right eye been twitching and going out of focus. Tingling sensations in back and head as well as lighthededness and presure in head. As you can see from everyone else who has them too that its all part of anxiety. ( Even I have had to teach myself that it is!! )

Its very, very hard to do but the less you think of them the less they will be there. Have a lovely warm bath with a cup of warm milk and read a good book ( My fave thing to do) and try and relax hun. :hugs:

Po x