View Full Version : im new tryingto talk with others

02-02-08, 20:39
im new to this site and have found it to be incredibly informationalabout panic disorder i have been suffering for nine months now of severe panic disorder or attacks and recently i admitted this was the problem and got xanax for this working well but i have not been well with taking medicine and i took myself off the pills as soon as i started feeling better and my attacks came back with a vengeance will i have to take this forever or is there real help ?????:ohmy:

02-02-08, 22:53
Hi Sage

Medication will take the edge of the panic attacks but the real route (I think anyway) to lessening their effect or preventing them from troubling you too much is to dig deep about the possible underlying feelings that are causing them.

I cant praise counselling highly enough because it has been such a tremendous help to me to speak to someone who understands and listens. It has helped me unravel certain things and I feel like I have a good foundation to build on.

Have you thought about counselling?



02-02-08, 23:02
im scheduled for a session in a few weeks i just recently figured out that i suffer from panic attacks after 25 emer visits noone ever told me or have i ever heard of panic atacks but therapists are very busy in my area actually a shortage of them so i cant get help for a month thanks for responding to me though i have a lot of questions that im sure a lot of you guys can answer

02-02-08, 23:09
Hello Sage:welcome: to you!

As Lilith says, the meds will only 'take the edge off' as it were.

Their main purpose is to enable you to tackle the triggers or causes of the attacks, with a view to you controlling them when they come and not living in fear of the next one.

My doc advised me to stay on my meds for at least a month after I felt better, and only then to gradually reduce them - I was lucky enough to be able to reduce them to nothing within a week. With some it is a much more gradual process.

The counselling is also a very good idea - it certainly worked for me too.

Pleased to meet you!


02-02-08, 23:41
ive been on the meds only a few weeks now and the first coulple i had no attacks so i thought i was better and stopped taking the meds cause i really dont want to suppress the problem i want to fix it but stopping the meds was a really bad idea cause the attacks came back with a vengeance non stop for days and sleepless nights of panic

03-02-08, 00:06
Hi Sage,

Have you gone back on the meds, or are you still off them?

If you're still off them maybe you could go back on for just a little while, til you get sorted with the counselling?

Sorry to hear of the long wait, but we're all here to support you ok?

Take care

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

03-02-08, 00:16
Hi Sage,
Welcome to the Forum!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
If your Doctor put you on the Meds-and they work- please be careful coming off them without instruction from him.
Meds can be a real help,especially in the short term.
Best wishes,

03-02-08, 15:01
i have gone back on the meds but it took me a few days to get a real handle on things had to take a few days off of work

03-02-08, 15:16
Hi Sage,

I'm glad to hear that.
It can be really tough coping with the frustration of wanting immediate results.Please remember it has taken you time to find a diagnosis and it will take time to get better again.
You have made a great start already.If you aim for slow and steady progress,you won't put unnecessary pressure on yourself.
Best wishes,

03-02-08, 15:25
Hi Sage and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

I think you've made the right decision to go back on the meds because a combination of meds and therapy can really help. The meds take the edge of the anxiety which makes it easier to concentrate on changing your thought processes and learning to cope with the unpleasant symptoms. I do believe it can be overcome because the more you learn, and the better you learn to cope, the more the anxiety lessens.

Take care,

Mike :)

03-02-08, 16:36
Hi Sage,

Welcome to NMP. I agree with the others do not go off your meds without a doctor's advice. Typically they will not keep you on a drug like Xanax for a long time. If you continue to have problems and go the med route they will probably put you on a SSRI which is an anti-depressant which also helps with anxiety/panic issues. I too believe that counseling is a huge help. You will get tons of support here. Good luck and take care.



Pink Princess
04-02-08, 02:56

hi sage xx welcome hope to see you around xxxxx

04-02-08, 20:26
Hi Sage

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

06-02-08, 12:19