View Full Version : Whats happening???

02-02-08, 22:39
Hello everyone.

Sorry for asking for help once again, but the last month I've been suffering really bad from drunk like feelings in the head, it feels as if im going to faint this is lasting the good part of the day, I walk and I feel as if I am going to pass out I sit down and still feel it. Also my heart is going so fastand every so often it flutters really bad in the chest, sometimes it feels as im losing my breath but im not sure if thats becausn im worrying.
I saw the GP and once again he really did'nt say much just gave me beta blockers for 1 week, this helped within slowing the heart down but did'nt stop me feeling faint.

Please help am I really needing help or am I being silly.

Thanks xxxx
:weep: :weep: :weep:

02-02-08, 23:08
Oh hun, im so sorry you're feeling bad at the moment. I had these drunk like feelings which lasted about 2 weeks, i was convinced i had a serious problem, but guess what... my doctor just said symptom of anxiety!

I couldnt believe they were blaming that again, but when i stopped worrying about it it went away-just one day i noticed i felt normal again.

I know its hard but please try not to worry. If you see no improvement soon i'd say go back to docs and tell them your not happy, what checking out etc. They cant really say no!

love cassi xxxxx

03-02-08, 11:48
I have had the same symptoms on and off for years so you are definately not alone with it. In fact the only reason i cope with it is because of how long it has been going on, i tell myself that if it was something serious i would be alot worse by now.
Although when i am going through it, it is still scary cause i think i will pass out, I usually feel better when i am busy and not thinking about it so i try to do things to take my mind off it, easier said than done i know.
Take care

03-02-08, 19:53
Cheers, im going to see the GP again and demand a 24 hr heart monitor, I cant go on like this.

Thanks again

Di xxx