View Full Version : Numb left side

03-02-08, 01:36
I literally feel like I can't move my left hand...and my left leg is really numb...because of this I feel panicky...convincing myself i have a brain tumour or something...i dont know what to do...as ever! just want these panic attacks over!

03-02-08, 03:57
Hi Kate

This is a classic example of anxiety, well it is with me. I had it earlier 2nite, but it has gone now. Try and really concentrate on something else, and you'll find b4 u know it will be gone.




03-02-08, 09:50
Thanks Elsbeth...I've woken up and still have the numbness... I have to go to work in a little bit too but haven't got anything sorted...

03-02-08, 21:21
hi i get this feeling too as if i cant evan hold a fork in my hand this is my trigger with pa i just try and relax or do somthing and it goes off try not to worry x:yesyes:

fifi d
05-02-08, 11:32
hi katie i also experience this and had a very bad experience last year which started off with numb hands,then legs then an internal shaking feeling.Im a nurse which is actually bad news for me as i have a little bit of knowledge and then got myself in a real state and convinced myself that i had either ms or motor neurone disease!At the time there was a really understanding locum gp at my surgery who prescribed betablockers and reassurred me straight away that it was anxiety.Of course i thought i knew better and woke up (when i did manage to sleep)convinced i was dying i had planned my future care needs funeral etc etc.To cut a long story short,i had weekly reviews with this gp and only began to feel better when i started on citalopram(which im no longer on).The point im trying to make is that the mind is so powerful,it can manifest all kinds of physical symptoms and once the thought develops in your mind it doesnt go away.I hope this helps to reassure you.take care fifi x

09-02-08, 10:15
What worries me is that, again I've got the numb left side...and I've been to my doctor a while ago and they didn't seem fussed, what if they've missed something, plus he didnt do any tests and things...I'm just SO tired all the time but so worried I won't wake up. I try to eat to take my mind off it, but I'm not hungry and that no longer really helps anymore...urgh. and now I'm getting the internal 'head twinges'. SO tired of this.x