View Full Version : Lurch in the stomach

03-02-08, 10:03
I just cannot bear this lurch in the stomach feeling. This is what is probably the first fear according to Claire Weekes.

Please tell me you get this...

The lurch in the stomach then this awful feeling of foreboding, like a doom feeling to me and that's when I think "oh no not again". I actually can't bear it and I do despair.

03-02-08, 10:16
Hi there, even though I don't suffer with panic attacks ( I get anxiety) I just wanted to reply to your thread as I am having a bad morning too.... Are you taking any meds for this? Try and relax, try deep breaths and you will get there.

03-02-08, 11:13
I can totally relate to the lurch in the stomach feeling and I hate it! Its my trigger!

03-02-08, 11:41
Presuming your all talking about what i call "gagging" then yes i also get this,
its the worst part of anxiety for me.

03-02-08, 13:14
Yea, I get the lurch and doom thing to , it's also my trigger,totally horrible
I try to relax my stomach and do the breathing thing.
Do you also get a sense of motion in your head,like you're traveling along in a car but everything around you is still.

03-02-08, 16:29
Hi All

Thanks for the replies - I see I'm not alone and I didn't expect I would be of course.

Decca I don't get the motion thing in my head (thank gawd) but I do know what you are talking about. I think that is probably from you hyperventilating without realising it and you are not getting enough oxygen or whatever.

Bloomin awful feeling isn't it - and I hate it cos it's like the promise of doom. My mood can dip from normal to so low in minutes with this sensation.

It is the trigger of course and it can be for panic or depression. On one of Claire Weekes recordings (I know..... Claire Weekes again lol..) - she says we get the first fear which is the sinking feeling in the stomach with panic and this is the very place where we get the feeling associated with depression.

So the feeling that triggers a panic in the stomach is the same place where we can begin to feel depressed. I actually feel low low low so this was the familiar promise of low mood!!!!!!!

Hope my med kicks in properly soon - it has helped to lift the panicky feelings for definite but now I have low mood!!!!!!!! Oh why can't we win.

Love to all xxxxxxxxxx

03-02-08, 16:31
I have more of less a constant knot in my tum which sets off the anxiety as i hate it.


03-02-08, 17:31
Hi Yvonne,
Yea it is a bloomin aweful feeling,what meds are you on ?

Hope you feel better soon.

03-02-08, 20:35
I just cannot bear this lurch in the stomach feeling. This is what is probably the first fear according to Claire Weekes.

Please tell me you get this...

The lurch in the stomach then this awful feeling of foreboding, like a doom feeling to me and that's when I think "oh no not again". I actually can't bear it and I do despair.
Yup, I get that: probably about 12 times a day when I worry I'm freaking somebody out at work; plus there are numerous other worries that trigger it. It means I'm in a constant state of nervous tension and I'm fed up of it.

04-02-08, 00:15
Hello Yvonne,

Oh, how I sympathise with you. I liken this to my stomach doing 'flip-flops' when I'm waiting in the dentists surgery - but it's the feelings of morbidness and doom that I feel are worse than that even.

Although I haven't had those for a long while, I have been feeling rather 'down' of late and the 'flip-flops' have made an appearance again.

Please try not to despair, I have found that trying to distract myself as much as possible helps. Indulge yourself in any hobbies or interests you may have - mine is belly dancing and photography and I've been doing plenty of both lately! Not easy I know when you're feeling down or depressed - but worth a try anyway?

big hugs for you

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


04-02-08, 08:36

I see it's common.

GG. Mobid, doom - yes that's it!.

Thanks all xxxxx