View Full Version : Fatigued Muscles

09-03-05, 12:18

Does anyone else suffer from aching muscles? For the past few 6 weeks my legs have ached each day. It feels like I ran a marathon the day before. The ache often moves from calf to thigh and then onto another leg. I saw my GP and she ordered some blood tests and strangely the pain disappeared after seeing her and returned a few days later. Psychosomatic pain? All the blood tests returned normal and she suggested I try a new AD called Cymbalta, but I don’t like taking meds unless I have to.

The aches just add to my anxiety.

Thanks for the support


09-03-05, 12:23
Hi Stuart

I personally think your aching muscles are dut to your anxiety, I feel the same sometimes and I think it's because sometimes we are so tense it affects every muscle in our bodies.
If I have had a particularly anxious day, the next day my back and neck are very sore.
Hope this makes sense and is of some help

Take care

Elaine x

09-03-05, 13:34
Hey, i too have experienced this sort of thing, i keep getting re occuring aches in my wrists and my calfs, i just put it down to the anxiety, i suppose what we have to remember is that our bodies are really suffering, when iv had an attack i will feel terrible for ages afterwards,
angie x


09-03-05, 14:19
The major muscles get all tensed up when we have anxiety and unless we shake it out or use it up there can be lactic acid as a byproduct of the internal cells energy using activity.

Try some stretching, swimming or walking and/ or a massage . Not a full work out which will create some more...

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

09-03-05, 14:44
Hi Stuart

I too suffer from this problem and get aches and pains everywhere in by body. I know it is due to anxiety and I know it is due to me tensing my muscles all the time. Even when i am in bed and feel like I should be relaxed I can still feel myself tensing all my muscles and wake up feeling so stiff and feel like an old woman. I convinced myself I had arthritis aor some muscle wasting disease. I find if i have a warm bath with lavender oil a couple of hours before going to bed and also with smelly candles I find it really relaxes me and helps me sleep better. I also get my boyfriend to give me a massage with lavender oil and sprinkle lavender oil on my pillow and find I sleep much better and don't have as many aches and pains the next morning. I have been on Effexor 75mg A.D since August and have found this has helped me alot also and I was like you and never liked the thought of taking meds before, it is not a miracle cure but it has helped alot.

Hope this helps a bit
Take care
Love Lisaxx

10-03-05, 00:29
hi stu, i suffer from m.e. and am the daddy on aching muscles. Your doctor has done the right thing in getting your bloods done. Just to rule anything out. It can be painful but it could just be stress from the anxiety which is making u get these pains.

10-03-05, 03:18
I have read in a Claire Weekes book that it is very common.
She goes on to mention the muscle weekness and that going shopping is difficult and one may find that they have to rest just after small steps. Tension is the main culprit. I have had the muscle weekness and have had blood test done and worried endlessly over them until reading about it and the test results were find, magically they went away.
If you practise tensing your leg muscles and letting go, you will feel the difference. Right now you are probably very tense, but since we live day to day this way, we don't realize it very well.

Good luck and I hope you find comfort soon.


10-03-05, 09:32
Hello Stuart,

Im sure you will find its anxiety.

One of the effects of adrenalin and being so tense.

Its more or less the same effect as going to the Gym and doing an intense work out twice a day....we tense our muscles when anxious.

If you had done a work out the day before, would the pain bother you....no! You would have a reason for the pain and just pass it off.
Well you do have a reason...anxiety tensing our muscles in exactly the same way.
Its always good to get an opinion from the GP. Not only to rule out any physical problem, but to put our mind at rest too.
Once you have a clean bill of health, you will relax a little and your muscles can recover.

Jude x

10-03-05, 21:45
Thanks to everyone for the advice.

Today at work I practised deep breathing techniques and tried not to 'focus' on my legs. I've been waking up in the morning and mentally feeling my legs for aches and pains. The aches stayed away for most of the day and disappeared in the evening as they always do.

I've started to read 'Self help for Nerves' by Dr Weekes and i'm hoping it's going to help.

11-03-05, 00:02
im glad you have made a good start on tackling your problem, keep it going