View Full Version : Need a little help

03-02-08, 10:14
Hi there

Just wondering if someone can shine a bit of light my way this morning... I am suffering with anxiety and have been taking citalopram now for 6 days and feel terrible this morning. Have bad anxiety and to make it worse I am due to go to Scotland this evening for a few days, not sure if I can do it. I have gone from a confident fun loving person to a bit of a wreck. Any success stories will be great


Hope 2
03-02-08, 10:51
Hi there

Sorry to hear yr finding it tough going this morning :hugs: .
Wanted to share with you ............
Although I am not fully recovered I AM tonnes better than I was . If I had found the right support initially who knows where I would be now lol .
But I am loads better. I found the smallest of tasks impossible and then would beat myself up for failing . You must pat yourself on the back for having the courage to join here cos that is an achievement in itself, well done xx

If you dont feel well enough to go to Scotland thats allowed. Having such a young baby in itself would make a break away daunting . So if you feel unable to go , let yourself off the hook so to speak and dont go . Easy to say I know but when you are feeling unwell as you are you need to give yourself a break and take stock, give yourself room if u know what I mean . It is early days for you and you are already doing so well . Get in touch anytime if you would like I am here if you need a chat x

Take care
Hope x x
ps could you let a friend go in yr place to Scotland just a thought x
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for now

03-02-08, 10:58
Hi Hope

thank you for yur message, i am so annoyed with myself of feeling like this today as i was really looking forward to going, but i feel so "out of myself" at the moment everything seems so hard!! can't think straight and wake up with a daunting feeling every morning, so bad i am sick. is this something you have suffered with? are you taking any meds?

thanks again

03-02-08, 11:01

Citalopram can make you worse before it makes you better I believe.. I took it only for a couple of days as it had me climbing the walls

hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Hope 2
03-02-08, 11:10
Hi there

Yes I am on citalopram 20 mg at the mo . Was on 40 mg . But have started to reduce recently . And YES I have woke up with that all consuming horror cos of having to get thru another day. It IS so daunting and the dread inside you is unbearable at times . But you will be ok, please try to relax and sit the worst moments out . It can only get better when you are where you are now , honest . I have been sick too, cos of the sheer terror I felt inside . Hope this helps . You are not alone xx

With help from here and GP etc you CAN do this xx

Take Care of You
Hope xx

PS gotta get off for a bit, back later on x

03-02-08, 13:21
Hi Hope
Well I have come to the decision that Scotland won't be seeing me this week. Half of me is diappointed as I feel like this has beaten me, but the other half is saying things will take time. :lac: It was meant to be a family break as my partner has to do business there, but now he will be going alone. I can't wait for this meds to kick in and the real me to come back!!:blush:

How long did it take for you to start feeling better?


03-02-08, 15:43
Hi. Ive been on Citalopram for over a month now and started to feel the benefits after about 2 weeks. I am so glad i stuck it out its really helped me. Felt much worse initially, thought i was losing my mind! Suddenly though i woke up feeling more relaxed and realised i was getting through the day with only occasional anxiety and if i start to have any symptoms they aren't as bad and dont last long.
Hopefully you will feel the benefits soon too.
Donna :flowers:

03-02-08, 15:47
HI Donna

Thank you for your message, it is great to know I am not alone and that I will get there. Just looking forward to being myself again!!

Hope 2
03-02-08, 16:26
Hi there

My recovery has been rather slow but don't let that influence you !
This is cos i had other probs too, ie OCD and PND on top of the anxiety . We are all different aren't we and I am sure you will begin to feel better in the very near future xx Keep poppin the pills ! and seek out all the support you can . I was very outgoing too and found it really hard to ask anyone for help . You grab as much support as you can and you will soon be feeling less anxious i am sure xx

As for Scotland it's less pressure at the mo when you are so unwell hun . You can go another time when you r feeling better ...........it will still be there lol . Hang in there everyone is here for you .

Hope xx

03-02-08, 16:55
thanks all for your support, since making my decision not to go I feel more relaxed like the pressure is off.

thanks again:blush: