View Full Version : well went out for

celia davies
03-02-08, 15:12
a drink last night with my friends paying for it today like i new i would but just wanted to try an be normal for a night an enjoy myself,im now feeling so panicy an keep feeling my heartbeat in my throat it makes me feel like im gonna choke an im now thinking theres something wrong?? im trying so hard to get myself out of this

03-02-08, 15:23
Hi Celia,

Well done for going out in the first place.
Don't downplay how big a step you took in doing that.
It was clearly going to be a major ordeal for you and you have come through it.
Try to pamper yourself today-lots of rest,drink plenty of fluids and eat well.
Give yourself a big pat on the back.Hopefully,knowing that you have coped with this,you will cope with the next one even better.
Best wishes,

03-02-08, 16:37

You did very very well. Sometimes you just get this fighting force inside you and go and do things no matter how bad you feel with panic.

However, when we do these things we are challenging the panic - we are going out in order to see if we can kill off the demon.

That's not really the way to combat the panic - somehow you have to go and do these things without thinking you will kill it dead but with the attitude of enjoying yourself whilst the feelings are there. You have to relax towards the feelings and not be kind of "Right I'm going to do this and keep myself together". If you do that you are tensing yourself up and making the panic worse.

Claire Weekes.......... LOL ... says "Don't shrink from it" - relax towards it - also invite the feelings - don't push them away go towards them.

Oh Claire.... where are you now.

03-02-08, 16:41
Teaching the angels not to panic!!!!


03-02-08, 17:00
it is normal i get it if i have a drink, well i have it all timem but hundred times worse next day after a drink does it stop me no it feels good at the time hope you feel better very soon xxx

03-02-08, 17:33
Hi Celia,

A big well done for going out of your comfort zone and coping so well, it's a really big achievement. :hugs: There is definitely nothing physically wrong with you, just the anxiety playing tricks. My throat often feels funny so I know exactly where you're coming from. It sounds like the anxiety might have come on because you were anticipating it which is something we're all guilty of. If you feel comfortable doing so you could try going out with your friends more often. It will then gradually become less of a challenge and to cope the next day plan something to distract yourself with. If not you could build up to it by going out for a short drink or something similar with someone you trust. Then you make more steps that get progressively harder until you reach your goal.

I hope this helps.

Take care,

Mike :)