View Full Version : Fear of getting better?

03-02-08, 17:30
Does this sound completely stupid?
After living with agoraphobia for 10 years you get conditioned to how you live and the outside world is scary...and i find myself asking questions like how would i manage without panic attacks, without the constant fear of the "what ifs" and when am i going to panic next!
Also, CBT scares the crap out of me, its like...i spending my life AVOIDING panic attacks and the feelings that go along side anxiety, but yet with CBT you have to confront all those feelings. Thats is terrifying to me.

Its not like my fear is going to vanish overnight, but its still a very scary thought.


03-02-08, 17:38
Bluebell, your observations are spot on!

Although we want to be better, to lead a fuller life, our depression/panic/anx is our safety net in a lot of ways.

To not have the reason of panic to hold us back, we are scared of facing up to things that we have hidden from behind our panic.

To not have our problems is like learning about yourself as a totally different person with different thoughts and actions. Of course this is scary, it is a complete life change, with different positive thinking. BUT, once you do start to get better you also get used to your different thinking patterns and the new positive you becomes the less scary one!


04-02-08, 12:40
I agree with this, I do feel sometimes that the anxiety is like a "comfort blanket". Its a hard "cycle" to come out of.

I guess there's also the question of, "If I get better, then what next?". I guess life might seem a bit "empty" without PAs, or anx, if that doesnt sound too weird!

I think deep down we all want to get better (who wouldnt!) but its the thought of the unknown that is frightening.

Jo xxxxx

04-02-08, 13:37
I think people have to learn how to think positive about everything again. If you have lived in a negative world for so long, you get conditioned into thinking that nothing can last, and even if you do overcome your phobia, then it's only a matter of time before it will come back again. Negative thinking is the root of every emotional problem

Eva May
04-02-08, 14:35
In the CBT I've done, it always comes back to taking 10 minutes a day to do breathing and I never seem to do it. Is it because I'm afraid it will work?:shrug:

05-02-08, 01:12
Hi Bluebell
You just reminded me of how I felt when I started to get better.
I used to get this"what have I forgotten" feeling and then I'd realise I'd forgotten to be scared.
Feels strange at first but now it doesn't even get a second thought.
Phill :shades: