View Full Version : Ectopic beats

03-02-08, 19:39
In the last hour or so Ive had 7 or 8 ectopic beats (I think!)

It's really wierd like there's something wrong. I went for a walk to see if it would help but they seemd to come every few mins then, so came home.

Is this harmless?? Never had them as much in a short space of time like this.

Im really worried to be honest.

My heart rate is fine (in the 60's) so I dont get it.
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/misc/progress.gif http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=301211)

03-02-08, 19:49
replied to you on other post

03-02-08, 19:49
Hi hon, I know what you mean I have them nearly every day and they can last a for tem mins. I have seen the doctor a few times about this problem and they adviced me that its all part of health anxiety, the trouble is when you worry about it it seems to make it worse.

My advice is maybe see your GP if its really worrying you, but really you need to relax, take a couple of deep breaths in and slowly breath out.

I hope this helps, but I can promise you one thing you are far from being alone with this.

Take Care

Di xxx

03-02-08, 19:54
hiya sweet,

I have these very often, when i get them i have maybe 7 or 8 an hour and an episode usually lasts a couple of hours.
If not, i have them every day randomly throughout the day - i never had these before 2008 but doc said theyr ectopic beats/harmless etc.

Having h/a i couldnt accept this so 'for my own peace of mind' he has referred me to see a cardiologist - if you too are worried and itd put your mind at ease request this too.

Relaxing and ignoring is the best thing to do, although i know if it were that easy youd have done it already.

Cassi xxxxxxx

03-02-08, 22:25
Have had ectopic heartbeats for past 23 years - I am a walking wreck with all my chronic health problems!!!

They are officially called premature ventricular contrractions and are harmless in a healthy heart.

They may be harmless but feel horrible - sinking feeling in chest - fluttering feeling in base of throat - fuzzy feeling in head et cetc .

When I am bad I get one every 3rd beat for days on end otherwise its on and off all day.

If you want reassureance see your Dr and get 24 ecg done but bet you they go away if you do have the test!!

As I said harmless but horrible

Rachey poos
04-02-08, 22:37
i suffer real bad too hun..its stress...when im havin a panic attack i get them every 2nd beat

06-02-08, 18:17
Thanks all. Turned PC off after I posted this and just spaced out for a few days. Much better now though they are horrible.

Its like a bolloon blowing up then it lets the air out...that kinda feeling. All happens so quick but thats what it felt like.