View Full Version : Newbie from South Yorkshire :)

03-02-08, 23:31
Hi there all :)
I'm Michelle, Im 33 and mother to 2 boys 4 and 8 months and stepmum to daughter 6. A previous sales manager/exec I have had PND/Depression for 4 years and now suffer with Agorophobia (as if that wasnt enough lol!)!!!
I was very outgoing but now am tied to school run only, doctors,local shop nd mums (in the car, and only if I have to!). The agorophobia has got worse over the past few months. Now I cant even watch more than 15 mins of corrie without getting distracted/restless! I mainly spend my time in the conservatory at night on the net with a glass of plonk and 20 menthols! So much for the career girl i was before! :weep: Funny how when i first got pnd I was in a marriage with controlling man with temper and other problems, but STILL coped! Now I m engaged to an AMAZING man, 3 wonderful kids- but am a shell of my former self!! I am now on 100mg Sertraline and weekly visits from health visitor, and fortnightly visits to the CPN, with 2 visits from the 'crisis team' in 8 months! Great how depression has no sense isnt it!!!
I live in south yorkshire, and have found this forum by fluke! Hope to get to know many of you to share thoughts and support etc xxx
Michelle x

03-02-08, 23:42
Hello Michelle:welcome: to you!

Yes, unfortunately depression knows no boundaries and no mercy - but you're not alone, and there is plenty of help and support to be found here :hugs:

Take a look at the links on the left, if you haven't already, as there is some good advice and information there and also some very inspirational personal stories.

Pleased to meet you!


Pink Princess
04-02-08, 03:01
hi michelle welcome xx hope you find it useful, take kare xxxxxxxxxxx

04-02-08, 04:27
Hi Michelle,

Welcome to NMP. You will find many here who can relate to what you are going through and will find support. Have you had your hormone levels checked lately? That might help. I would also suggest therapy because even though you are in a happy relationship now perhaps the other relationship left some scars that need healing. Just a thought. Take care and good luck.



04-02-08, 09:47
Hi Michelle,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

04-02-08, 12:14
Hi Michelle, welcome to NMP hun :)

Jo xxxxx

04-02-08, 13:50
Hi Michelle,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

04-02-08, 14:14

love dawny

04-02-08, 14:37
Hi and welcome Michelle. Hope you find this site useful. I do. I live in North Yorkshire and only go out really when I need to and generally feel vulnerable.

04-02-08, 15:20
Hi Michelle,

Welcome to the forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

I,too, found this site by accident and feel blessed that I did.
You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

04-02-08, 20:16
Hi Michelle

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

04-02-08, 21:32
Hi Michelle
Welcome youll meet loads of good people here i live in east yorkshire.
Take care
Anne x

04-02-08, 22:38
Hi Michelle and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. It is so often that anxiety and depression is irrational but it's great to hear you've got a supportive partner.

Take care,

Mike :)

05-02-08, 01:52
Hi Michelle,

I guess your doc has already talked to you about post natal depression? There are a list of really clear things that pre-dispose women, cant remember them all, but losing career is one, also unresolved trauma from earlier on. You could easily find out more. There is really good support for women with PND.

I had my first child after losing my sister only a few months before. It was when my baby was about 6 months old that things started getting really hairy for me. I'm also a step mum. These ready made families are not easy. In the space of a couple of years, I went from being a divorced mum of 1 to a mum of 2 and step mum of 2. It was a major adjustment, a bit like being hit by a tidal wave.

You will find lots of great support here.

All the best, Monique

05-02-08, 19:57
HI and welcome hope to see you around sometime

Emma xx

05-02-08, 20:44
Hello Michelle!

Welcome to NMP!! :) :) :)

Hope to speak to you soon!


Wolfie xx

05-02-08, 22:25
Hi All and MANY THANKS FOR SUCH A WARM WELCOME!!! I hope to make some good friends fromhere, hey lets face it, ill hardly meet people on one of my many tips to Rotherham on a night out lol!!!!! :yahoo:
Bad week this week, Andy has got sciatica, off work and doesnt get paid! My only trip I was DETERMINED to go on this year was our honeymoon and t looks like we might have to cancel it due to money problems! After Id psyched myself up for a year, going on the website nd reasurring myself it would be perfect, now its not going to happen! My oven blew up yesterday, my one therapy is cooking, we have things like 'scallops with seared veg' every night - andy aches for beans on toast, but as he knows i can imerrse myself in cooking he puts up with it!
And to top it off - got a call yesterday (withheld, usually Andys best mate so i answered) - the delightful DWP booking my review for ICP!!!! Ive got a doc app on Friday to get them to fax a request for a home visit, Im terriified I will have my only income taken away. Spoke to my logical, best friend, who said 'Chelle, since your last review you re now on the max anti d's, see the CPN fortnightly, docs 4 weekly and health visitor 3 weekly- you ar not taking the P!!, if you were you would have filled out the form they sent you!!!'
Kind of makes sense i suppose, but i feel like i will be faced with the gistapo!
Maybe i should have a chaperone but they may 'put their 2 pennorth in' and ruin it! God its so hard!!!!! Get me back to 60 hours wwk and targets, it was so much easier!!
chelle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-02-08, 12:15