View Full Version : A Few Questions about Fear

04-02-08, 04:48
Warning! If you're particuarly sensitive or panicky or have panic attacks a lot, do NOT read this! I don't want anyone getting upset over this, and I'm sorry if I cause anyone any hardship.

Or maybe I'm just getting worked up, but I just want to cover my bases, guys. I don't want to make you feel any worse than ya might be feeling! :hugs:

Okay, so you've made it this far. Here I go!

I read recently that it IS possible to be scared to death. Which scared me. Apparently it's responsible for what makes some little kids die sometimes on amusement park rides. So apparently people can just bite it from being completely and utterly frightened? That sucks, cause that sounds exactly like a panic attack. >__< I know I shouldn't be worried because I've been scared badly sooooo SOO many times and I'm still here. But still, I hate this media fear-mongering scare tactic stuff where they make everything so sensational. Did you hear about the rogue satellite? Yeah, I freaked out about that for an hour until I figured there's worse things to be worried about. Still, I can't help but watch the news and read articles. I suppose I'm okay till next time there's a killer disease or some kind of lead paint discovered on tomatoes or something. :doh:

Ugh, fear, you old foe. You keep trying, don't you? :shrug:

At least the guy in the articles says:
"Everyone is at risk," he says. "But 99.99999 percent of people, under acute life-threatening stress, don't die."

Here's one of the articles: http://www.boston.com/news/globe/magazine/articles/2006/08/06/scared_to_death/?page=1

04-02-08, 05:12
Hello phoenix,

Loved the warning message!:shades: but best to warn people!....you know what they say about cats and curiousity though:D ?

Anyway, panic attacks and shock are 2 entirely DIFFERENT things!:hugs:

When we panic, our breathing becomes shallow creating an imbalance of oxygen/carbon dioxide which makes us feel giddy.

Shock and extreme stress are Totally different. Remember about animals how they can die of shock? Also you should never dive into freezing water because of the shock to the body or live a high powered highly stressed lifestyle but I don't think you do either of those things! :winks: I don't know the medical reasons exactly although I think I know but I best not go into it. I Do know though it's nothing to do with a breathing imbalance so you've Absolutely NO need to worry.:hugs:

The media Love to scaremonger because that's how they sell stories. Try not to dwell on things you hear and get your mind thinking about something you enjoy as if you've never heard or read the story. We must try not to worry about the things beyond our control and instead look for enjoyment in life. Why go out of our way to read things that we know will make us anxious? Look for Nice things phoenix!:hugs:

04-02-08, 11:52
Hi GryPhoenix

I dont buy newspapers/magazines anymore and havent done for years, mainly because of the rubbish that's printed in them to scare people.

If I listened to the media I wouldnt eat so many things because apparently there is so much that can cause cancer. What's the point in breathing?! :D

Bill's got the right idea so I wont reiterate what he said, just dont dwell on these things in the media because its all created to generate panic in people sometimes.


04-02-08, 15:43
Hi Phoenix,

What of the following will sell most newspapers?:-

1. A story on the millions of people who use and enjoy a roller-coster every year.
2.A story of a child's death following a roller-coaster ride.

Ken Lay's story made the news here in the U.K. The article made no reference to his previous medical history which may have enlightened us as to his death.
I agree with Bill about shock and anxiety.
I do not believe that you should allow this article to give you cause for concern.
Best wishes,

08-02-08, 04:23
Thanks for all your help and reassurances, guys. :D My fears are mostly related to the heart, but yeah...I can see the difference between shock and panic now too. Actually one time someone let off a firecracker in front of the movie theater where I was hanging with some friends and I thought it was a gun going off! In an instant I was ready to run, my heart was pounding like crazy and it took me a good five minutes to calm down after that, much longer than my friends did! Lol, I always expect the worst.