View Full Version : There is hope!!...

04-02-08, 09:40
Hello all

Being a new person to this site and having recently started to suffer again with anxiety I just wanted to post a thread to show others in the same position who are also new that there is "light at the end of the tunnel"

Having started on Citalopram a week ago, I must admit I felt awful, increased anxiety being sick in the morning, running to the loo etc, but this morning for the first time, even though the anxiety is still there things are not as bad. I seem to be able to reason with myself and understand it is just the medication that is doing this, plus the bathroom has not been visited!!

I know I still have away to go, but I am determined to get there. So if you are in the same position stick with it... share your thoughts and worries with the other members on this site (as they have been great and helped me!), the side effects will pass!!

Good luck:blush:

04-02-08, 10:18
Glad to hear the meds are starting to kick in. I know its such a relief when you start to feel abit of progress. I hope you continue to improve and thankyou for keeping us updated.
Donna x

04-02-08, 11:41
Hey cl13,

Glad to hear you are feeling better hun, it does a while for meds to kick in sometimes so glad you feel more able to rationalise your thoughts :)

