View Full Version : Preasure in head and feeling lightheded!

04-02-08, 21:02
Does anyone experiance this with their anxiety? Over the last two weeks as my anxiety has been quite bad, I have started to feel lightheaded at times, like i'm on the sea and I've also been getting bands of pressure on my head like someone crushing it ( but not a headache ) I feel nauseous with this too.
Horrible feeling!

Don't have it when I first wake up but gets worse throughtout the day.

Is this a classic symptom of anxiety? I'm starting to worry that I have something else wrong!:emot-questioned:

Thank you!

Po xx

04-02-08, 21:51
Evening Hon, ohhh you sound like me I get this all day every day, sometimes it feels as if you are going to pass out!!
yes I do think this is all part of anxiety, try to relax and you have to keep telling yourself its anxiety.

Good Luck Kid xx

04-02-08, 22:15
Hiya! yes I have that ...the head thingie and it can go on for weeks, I had mine for a couple of months on and off, and when things get really bad it comes back! This morning I was very nauseaus, was hoping it was Anx because I seriously would not cope well being pregnant again :P

I try and take a time out and relax in the bath sometimes it can help, hope it goes away soon. If it gets any worse, don't feel you can't go to the docs.

Take care,

04-02-08, 22:21
Yeah That One Gets Me Too, You Cant Concentrate On Anything Cause Your Head Feels Like Your In Space

04-02-08, 22:37
Me too

I get a feeling like I have a tight rubber band around my forehead and a lightheaded feeling. I suppose I have the nausea to look forward to in the future.


05-02-08, 07:51

I have had this heaps as well, and it only ever went away when I would get other symptoms chest pain, butterflies, ect. Sometimes the pressure felt so bad that I thought my head was leaning to one side and I was not walking straight. It did go away eventually. What worked for me was keeping busy and trying to not think about it (easier said than done).

Hope it gets better for you.



05-02-08, 15:08
Yes I get this lightheadedness and nauseous feeling too. Strangely I also get a feeling like my head is too heavy for my body and I find myself walking around with my hand on my neck as if in an effort to support my head. Sometimes I don't even realise I'm doing it until my partner points it out.:wacko:

06-02-08, 16:43
yes i get it most days,i feel dizzy around my head&eyes,i think it is anxiety,but i still get it when im relaxed,infact im waitin 2 see e.n.t specialist,i hyperventalate alot & i wonder if its lack of oxygen,or dehydration? i try 2 illiminate things daily

08-02-08, 19:22
Hi pauline

i know exactly how u feel mate, i've had that same feeling for the last few days, feels like someone is pressing on the top of your head.

i presume its just the anxiety, i have had this before and it just seems to pass.

Try not to think about it to much, as that will only make it feel worse.

Stay positive


14-04-08, 15:24
I am suffering from this big time at the moment - has anyone found anything that helps get rid of the tight band round the head and the dizziness. My neck and shoulders also hurt and are rock hard to touch. I have tried heat pads, baths, but nothing seems to work long term.

Any advice???

14-04-08, 19:01
I have read a few of your post i was just wondering if you have any blood tests, i was getting dizziness with a tight head feeling, also my legs and arms were aching in various places. I was ok for about the first ten mins after waking up then it would get worse I have low B12 and I am having shots for this now.
I also get these things anyway anyway.

14-04-08, 19:20
Hi Scooby28

I have had blood tests done about 6 months ago - possibly longer now, and they came back okay.

This pressure in my head and neck has been getting worse the last couple of weeks. I went to the doctors nearly 3 weeks ago about the dizziness it was causing me and the doctor said it was either viral or an inner ear problem and would sort itself out in a few weeks. I so want to go back to the doctors but feel that they see 'anxiety' on my notes and just put everything down to this.

I am okay for the first 2 or 3 hours in the morning - then bam - it hits me and I feel like this till about 9 o'clock at night. It doesnt matter if I am working or at home, I still feel awful.

14-04-08, 19:35
I had a viral cough that started this time last year along with that I got a tight head feeling especially around my ears, also i was going dizzy on a daily basis. the dizziness and tighness took along to start to settle down approixmately 6 months or over but i had my cough for nearly 3 months of that before it went properly.
Might be worth getting blood tests done again not really sure how long things take to show up you might not of had something then that you might have now.
I'm sure you'll be fine though just nice having a reason for things to happen though.

14-04-08, 20:06
I feel the same about the docs. Its like cryin wolf. The docs have become dissmisive and I feel like they just say "here he is again".

With regards to the tight headband pain. I use 4head a product from the chemists which feels cool and if nothing else takes your mind off it. I would say that I could do with a bucket load to cover my head with as you only can put it on your 4head. May be some shampoo with the same ingredient and a power shower. Has anyone tried a head massage?


14-04-08, 20:47
Thanks Scooby28 and Meewah,

I have tried the 4head too. It seems to work for about 1/2 hour, then it is back again.

I have thought about a head massage - but am scared it will make me feel panicky (crazy I know).

I am just soooo tense in my shoulders, upper back, neck and head. Tried everything to get rid of it, but nothing working. :weep:

14-04-08, 20:51
There is a book by Claire Weekes (in fact several of them) and she says some good things about feeling faint.

I think generally if you sugar levels are okay, anxiety can't make you faint, but can obviously make you feel like you are going to faint.

With regard to muscle tension in back, neck etc, massage can be good. I am qualified in massage however I was intrigued by a massage cushion in Asda a few weeks back. I think it was the Homedics Shaitsu Massage Cushion it attaches to a normal comfy chair. iw as really surprised at how good it was, as a massage therapist I didn't really go in for any of these chair and cushion type things but I wish I had bought one now. They have them in Argos for £120 (pricey) but they were only £70 in Asda but all gone now, I definately want one and will shop around on the net. I know its pricey but if you can't afford or don't want to attend massage appointments then this actually works out very cost effective and convenient.

14-04-08, 21:27
I bought a small heat pad(basically a baby electric blanket) from argos the other week and this has really helped with the aching in my legs that i have been getting, you can lay on it under your shoulders too if you need to. it was fairly cheap well £25.00 but you can get them cheaper.

14-04-08, 22:13
hi there. i get pressure in my head, some days are good,:) some days are bad:weep: my head feels as if its full of cotton wool or water, its hard to describe but its deffinatley anxiety relaited, the more anxious i am the worse it gets.+ the dizzy spells, the rooms not spinning but just weird dizzy feelings. ive had eft and hopi ear candle both have helped me. if you want anymore info on it just ask.

keep smiling:D :flowers:

14-04-08, 22:58
it's a tension headache, i went to the doctor with the same problem as you a few months ago. he just said it was due to anxiety and worrying all the time. paracetomol helps, but also the knowledge that nothing major is happening helps too :) one day you'll wake up and just wont have it, i promise

22-04-08, 21:52
i agree with missmoo, i just woke up one morning and it had gone, i still get the odd dizziness but not as often, and when i do get dizzy i dont panic about it anymore, i try to relax and take deep breaths, my doctor said i wasnt breathing properly and needed to take bigger breaths and it worked.that with the eft and hopi ear candle has really helped me

23-04-08, 18:09
I get something similar to this pauline, mine seems to be in the center of my forehead and seems to be really affecting my eyes does anyone else get this hope so so i think it's not just me.