View Full Version : I Don't Like GP's!!!!!

04-02-08, 21:04
Wasn't sure where to put this post but seeing as I just had the panic fromhell in the gp's waiting room thought it best to put it here.

God almighty what is worse than sitting there in the waiting room feeling full of panic. You can't run cos you have to see your gp and not only that you can't run cos you gotta face the thing!!!!!

This awful feeling of something just wanting to explode and how do yourid yourself of it. Well, according to all the best advice of course the object of the game is not to rid yourself of it but to welcome the nastly little blighter. Why doesn't that work for me?!!! Oh I try.

Anyway, about gp's what is it with these people do they go to gp school where they are taught to be dismissive, unsupportive and uninterested. Maybe they are only like this with anxiety sufferers - ...... or just me...

Had to go and see this "person" for a repeat script. Told her how I'd been feeling on the new med (psychiatrist prescribed it) - and I appreciate that this woman is not the prescribing doctor, however when I explained to her that mood had dipped badly end of last week and that I was very worried about it you would have thought that she would show a little compassion.

No, she didn't. All she did was sat and typed notes on her computer as I spoke. She almost visibly sighes when I press her for comment and actually she was completely un doctor like, more like some reporter who was just logging my comments.

Anyway, decided I won't see her again - she is defo one of the worst I have ever met and I will not give her the pleasure of my company again lol.

Just want to talk about something else very quickly...

Now about cbt; well I have to say that any newcomer to cbt would think it was some miracle cure. I often wonder where I have gone wrong with what I have been taught.

So many people go on about cbt and how it has changed them from panicky wrecks to normal people again. I just can't understand what other people have got/are getting from cbt that I haven't had.

Cbt is about thought changing. I have been taught to challenge the negative/disruptive thoughts that can bring on anxiety. I have been taught to look out for the thoughts etc etc, I have been taught to restructure thoughts, use words that sit comfortably, don't use should statements etc etc. I'm afraid this stuff although brilliant in theory just doesn't seem to work for me.

How exactly do you brainwash yourself into constantly challenging thoughts and changing thoughts etc etc, surely this could send you mad.

One last word on cbt - I would be so much happier if it came in tablet form. Anyone agree ????

04-02-08, 21:21
I agree! It works for some people not others. Not sure why that is.

I have had cbt sessions in the past. I get so far but no further. I use the 'techniques' EVERY day of my life for the last 12 years otherwise i would cease to function.

But it doesn't help me to live a 'normal' life in any way. And for me certainly no cure:weep:

If it has worked for you then thats great, i guess its a case of finding what works best for you as an individual. Its not a one size fits all solution sadly.

And yes some gps are ill equipped to deal with MH issues. Best to get it from the specialists. Unfortunately the MH services are chronically underfunded. So in the meantime some are left with hopless GP's.

04-02-08, 21:45
I know what you mean, I see my GP and hes not a bit intrested like you say to busy on the computer, its taken me 2 years to finaly get a 24hr ECG, in the past he gave me 1 week of beta blockers.

Maybe if the suffered from anixety they might understand!!

Take Care

Di xx

05-02-08, 01:23
The majority of Gps are only interested in getting as many people through the surgery as possible in any one day, its all about money now and people like us come bottom of the list:mad:

05-02-08, 09:32
hi stu that is so true or the gps think they can just dish out the pills its so annoying.i dont even go c gp anymore cuz wen i do hes on hes comp not listening to a word i say which realy gets my back up big style.then hel say o elaine wats up tday i tell him then he gives me another load of tablets omg so anoying.im sure he thinks im an hypercondriact he certainly makes me feel like one .tc

05-02-08, 15:04
In defence my GP is brilliant. She is as frustrated as me that we cant get rid of the anxiety.
She told me at my worst, she would see me that day or speak to me and she told the receptionists that I was to be put thro .

she used to ring me often to see how i was.


05-02-08, 15:51

I can definitely sympathize with you about GP's. I've not been able to see mine in about a year now 'not that he was much use', i think hes been struck off but thats another story. Oh and my GP before that was a MR Shipman, say no more.

Since then i've tried to get another GP somewhere else, because i've been banging my head against a brick wall trying to get help, to no avail. Trying to get another GP is probably around the same odds as winning the lotto.

Anyway my last visit to the doc's was with a kind, considerate, locum NOT !!!. Her first question was why are you on these (meaning diazepam).My reply with her looking right at my medical record on the computer infront of her, was... well youre the doc you tell me, iam on 5mg per day btw as nothing else works. She proceeded to tell me that ' without knowing much about me' she would have never put me on them, in a manner that left me fealing like a junkie. Not the first time by a Doc either.

So.. i tried her so called wonder drug propananol, which i have tried before but there you go:blush:, didn't help just made me worse. Looking forward to my next visit actually because i can say i told you so:D while pecking her head again about applying for CBT, which has probably not been done.

Yes GP's are great:yesyes:

05-02-08, 16:01
sorry you had an awful gp, i must be luycky cos mine is excellent and understanding , can you see another one who is more understanding?

05-02-08, 16:08
Me, not without changing post codes apparently.I also have the added extra joy of waiting a full week before an appointment to.

Happy Days:)

05-02-08, 16:42
hi yvonne

i have mixed views re cbt and i think lots of therapies can make you feel worse - when your brain is scrambed already - you don;t want to add more thoughts into the mix! i found it quite exhasuting being on thought watch all the time!!

the thing that has made a HUGE difference to me literally within days was to totally accept my anxiety and intrusive thoughts - i positively invited them along with me everywhere and went from worrying about how i would feel all the time to not caring - hence all the anticipatory anxiety went and then the actual anxiety - it took about 4 weeks and i can honestly say i have not mentioned my anxiety/thoughts to my family for approx 7 weeks or felt even a twinge of anxiety for about 5 weeks. i am on citalopram but when i totally gave into my anxiety i still felt very bad and it was up the dose or try a different mental approach - i can honestly say that if you truly accept your symptoms will start to lessen in intensity within days.

every intrusive thought i was like so what? giving yourself permission to think about them and focus on them actually leads your mind to wander to more normal things. all the horrible anxiety feelings and depression - i accepted them too and refused to add any more what ifs or allowed myself to feel anxious about feeling anxious or depressed about being depressed. i have had severe anxiety for over 10 years and i feel i have finally had my lightbulb moment! hope you have too xx

05-02-08, 17:03
One last word on cbt - I would be so much happier if it came in tablet form. Anyone agree ????

Oh Yvonne, I totally, totally, agree :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: You are a treasure indeed :hugs: I just emailed you.

Love Ellen :yesyes:

05-02-08, 17:04
Hi All

Glad a couple of you have good gp's. Not many though, and most of you agree that they are a bunch of useless twits.

Joy you are very lucky with a gp that actually phones to ask how you are!!! Now that is like something out of a bloomin soap on telly - like East Enders or some other non realistic type programme you get - what's that one used to be on Sundays set in the 60's. You know where the gp's actually "pop" in to see their patients. Oh dear I do laugh out loud at this sort of stuff. GP phone or call ??????? No, these gp's today are nothing like what a proper gp should be.

I actually did see a wonderful doctor before I got the old cow. He spent ages chatting to me and was just the best gp I had ever seen. He told me after he was actually training to be a psychiatrist! No wonder he was so interested in me!!!

Joanne - what you are saying is right about the thought stuff - can be hard to do. I want you to let me into your secret of "accepting the feelings" - I think I do that. However, of course I can't be because they wouldn't stil be coming in full force.

I really laughed at the comment above by Paul when the gp asked why he was on the Diazepam - the reply "you tell me doctor" was completely classic.

Bye All xxx

06-02-08, 18:29
I actually did see a wonderful doctor before I got the old cow. He spent ages chatting to me and was just the best gp I had ever seen. He told me after he was actually training to be a psychiatrist!

I don't know if this is still true but I was told the "general GP" was trained mainly to treat physical conditions. To treat anxiety, we need long term therapies but the doctors only either have anti-depressants at their disposal to offer as a quick fix in the time they have or put us on a list for therapy.

Medications can ease symptoms allowing us to cope better but anxiety is fear created by our thought patterns. CBT doesn't help everyone though because I feel it depends on what our fears are and how strong we feel in being able to confront them.

Different therapies help different people but I Do believe that there is Always a way of learning how to cope with anxiety.

I had to go out today and before I went out, I was thinking to myself I won't be out long so I won't need the loo because I won't be out long enough to "think" about needing one so I didn't worry about it.

Once I was out, one thing led to another and by the time I got back, several hours had past. I didn't need the loo once!

If I'd known I was going to be out That long before I left home, my fear of "thinking" I'd need a loo would have made me feel I'd want to go as soon as I stepped out the door!

If we learn to control our "thinking patterns", we learn to control our anxieties but a "general GP" cannot do that for us. We either need the correct treatment that suits us or teach ourselves to cope better.

Anxiety is "fear" based on something that scares us. We create our symptoms by reacting to our fearful thoughts. Learn not to be afraid of our thoughts and we won't suffer anxious symptoms.:hugs:

08-02-08, 11:05
i've had several gps one was very good the rest?!?!? its easy to slag them off, they are usually trained straight out of school and to a certain extent not been in real life. my son used to work at a hospital and used to serve the docs in their canteen, my son stated they were generally an arrogant lot who used to mock a lot of their patients. there is the dss docs who seem hell bent on saving the dss money by frankly telling distoring the truth in their medical reports, i have been at the receiving end of this many times. there is the argument that they are agents for drug companies who are very powerful in the world of capitalism, they are also too busy and can't give the time to each patient they would simply burn out quickly, lastly i have a friend who is a psychiatrist, a lovely man, totally burnt out by the system. docs are part of this too fat paced world, their original ideas when they started out i feel are distorted by this society, and a lot of it is how fast they can get you out of the surgery with a pill.

08-02-08, 11:39

You made me laugh with your last post! good therapy for me this morning. But you're quite right, watched Doc Martin last night and decided I need to move to rural cornwall, where at least you get a home visit even if it's just to be insulted!

Seriously though I once had a very good female GP, who was genuinely interested in me and used to give me her life story too, I'd come out 40 minutes later from my appointment to see all the other patients fed up faces - but she was one on her own!

Unfortunately moved and the latest doctor's are useless and thank god haven't needed to go to them for anything other than physical yet!

09-02-08, 17:13

Nah don't bother moving anywhere rural Fifi - my doctor is in a very rural setting in a tiny village as it happens. Makes no difference whatsoever - the country air just aint done it for her lol! Wish a bleadin bull or something would come and charge at her!!!!! --- I mean it I really don't like her.

This doctor that you had before - now she is j ust the sort of doctor I am looking for. I like her style - maybe she thought by telling you all about her own life etc etc she would distract your mind from yourself. Now that's one brilliant doctor.

Love to you xxxx

PS It reminds me of that wonderful series that used to be on TV - hope some of you remember - the character was Reggie Perrin and he kept going off on these imaginary journeys in his mind. It was hilarious because when he went to see his gp (who was an old man) - he would say "Oh Doc Ive got this pain in my leg" (for example) - the doctor would shriek "Hey me too" - he would then go on about all his other ailments - it was so funny.

10-02-08, 21:56
Hi Yvonne,

I have just had one session of CBT and I came away feeling very negative, I didnt want to however I cant see what Im going to get out of it, Im expecting a miracle and I just dont think it is going to happen...!!!!

My GP is nice however my pulse still goes manic sitting in the waiting room!!!!

Shaz x

11-02-08, 17:39
i think im lucky there, my gp is fantastic, hes never once been unsympathetic and always tries to cheer me up with humour, that said, even though i havent come across it yet, i know gps, some, can be, well, not very understanding, and my advice is to just change doctors, sorry to hear about your frustration.

11-02-08, 18:03
I dont actually know who my GP is because I've seen a different one every time I go in there!!

Anyone else get this? Its a right pain cos you feel you have to explain the situation from the beginning and go over old ground!

Jo xxxxx