View Full Version : 24 hr heart monitor????

04-02-08, 21:40
Evening, Just wondering if any one has had a 24hr ECG? I have seen the GP today and he is putting me on a monitor thursday afternoon, this is beacuse I get alot of flutters missed beats and fast heart beat.
Bit scared really im affraid they might find something wrong.

Doc was a bit brief in what it involves, can any one help??



tayside lassie
04-02-08, 21:55
its just a small recorder thats on a belt ,you get the sticker pads on your chest around your heart area ,before i got the recorder on i got a heart scan that only takes about 10 minutes and blood tests .nothing to it really but like that its still worrying ,if you have anxiety that's probably whats causing it
hope that helps you .


04-02-08, 23:25
I had this done, no probs whatsoever, people at work didnt even know i had it, results were given quick.
Mine was extremely fast rate, due to anxiety, once I got results it seemed to settle a bit.

04-02-08, 23:39
I had this done on the 11th Jan. Its fine, but a pain to sleep in and getting dressed and undressed.
Mine picked up Atrial Ectopics!

05-02-08, 08:18

I had this done twice to check out my ectopics. As the others have said, its a bit of a pain sleeping attached to a little walkman etc but its not a prob.

One word of warning, the glue on the sticky pads is really strong so be careful when u pull them off!!! I had big round red marks on my chest for hours afterwards!!! lol

05-02-08, 12:57

i have had this done to

i was so scared if what it might pick up and what they would say to me ect
when i went back to fine out results all was ok even tho they had got lots of ectopics on there and fast heart rate they still sead your ok it is normal .
i have had a heart scan to when i was getting a lot of ectopics that was also normal ,i am sure you will be just the same there are so many ppl with ectopics it is very common

jodie xxx

06-02-08, 19:24
I've had 5 24hr ecgs over last 20 years because of constant ectopic beats.
At least nowadays the units are half the size they were!! The first one was like sleeping with a brick on a belt round your waist, nowadays they are tiny tiny with clips to clip on your waistband.

I am also a bit allergic to the sticky stuff on the electrodes and when they take them off I have angry red patches and there is always one that shows above your neckline no matter what you wear but it wears off in a day.

The best thing to happen is that you get lots of ectopic beats etc then you will know that they have seen everything that happens to you and when they say " lots of premature ventricular contractions ( ectopics) but no underlying arrythmia" you can think thank goodness all is well. I have been told over and over again the above and also that the condition is harmless but very unpleasant ( yes we know!)

07-02-08, 20:04
Cheers guys.

Di xx