View Full Version : was this a panic attack

miss motown
04-02-08, 22:21
oh well i went to town today felt ok.went for a latte with my sister and when we came out of the caffee i suddenly couldent breath i managed to get back to the car but felt as thou i couldent get enough air and i just felt dead i dont no how i was functioning i ran in to my house and headed for the toilet i was going to ask my sister to take me to a&e but instead i took a diazipam and waited untill i calmed down.im thinking would it have anything to do with the latte i was fine untill then awww its driving me mad can anyone relate:scared10:

04-02-08, 22:27
Hi, Yes, it could have been the Latte, It is full of sugar, and that affects the levels of sugar in our body, until the balance regulates again, thus making us light headed, nervous etc.


04-02-08, 22:59
Sounds like classic panic attack. I dont drink coffee but isnt that what a latte is? Caffiene is bad for anxiety and panic attacks. I try and avoid caffiene (just have the odd coke as a treat) chocolate and alcohol cos i know it all brings on my symptoms.
Hope you are feeling okay now
Donna :yesyes:

05-02-08, 13:08
hiya :hugs:

yes it sounds just like a panic i get much the same were i carnt breath and start to panic and just want to get home,you did the best thing to take the diazipam and give yourself time to calm down

jodie xxxx

05-02-08, 21:26
You were hyperventilating and using up a lot of adreneline with fear that's why you felt so dead after.

Just been writing another post about this. Try the breathing in and out of a paper bag or blow out. When you feel like you can't take in a breath just breathe all the air out of your lungs, this will bring the breathing back into a normal pattern.

Diazepam - yes fine - but try to lessen the effects of a panic yourself if you can.

Take care xxxxxx

05-02-08, 21:49

bless you, this sounded awful...it does indeed sound like a panick attack.

Every week when i meet some friends I have a cinammon latte from costa - it is my absolutley favourite - most weeks i am climbing the walls that same evening because of the coffee! Get panicked, agitated, restless, irrational, fast heart rate etc etc

its the only coffee i drink and it makes me feel like that, but for one night a week i can just about cope

hope you feel better now

Cassi xxxxxxx

06-02-08, 18:16
Hi - yep it was panic. today I was feeling great til I went in a hot shop and had to queue - I started to feel fhot, faint and c ouldnt breathe - I had to pinch myself to distract myself from working myself up into a panic attack.I coped but hate hot stuffy places.Wenjoy x

miss motown
06-02-08, 20:15
aww thankyou for all your replys it was an awful day and i just thanked god i wasnt in work that night as im afraid i would of had to take the night off and cassi it was the lattee from costa yummy but i dont think ill be drinking any more well thanks againe and take care all xx

09-02-08, 19:49
panic attacks can be caused by caffiene so it was most likely too much, sorry to hear, hope your ok xx