View Full Version : single dad needs some advice about lumpy breasts

05-02-08, 18:06
my 16 yr old daughter burst into tears on sunday morning and told me she had lumps in her breasts,i did the only thing i could and took her to the triage nurse at casualty.they said that they seemed normal but because she was on her period they may feel more lumpy,my daughter said that both breasts are the same and that they have been like it for about a year,thing is my mum her nan died at xmas of breast cancer and that has started my daughter worrying,was just hoping somebody may have had similar problems and might be able to stop our worries a little,got her an appointment 2 morro at the clinic but i can see she is worried many thanks jason

05-02-08, 18:19

I had the same problems with my eldest daughter ............. she is 20 now, I had to take her to the doctors because she wouldnt believe me that everything was normal, she had convinced herself she had breast cancer. She laughs about it now, but she had worked herself up into a frenzy at the time.

At 16 your daughters body will be changing and developing all the time, I have a 16 year old too and she is always complaining about aches and pains and lumps and bumps she hadnt noticed before.

Hopefully they can re assure her tomorrow at the clinic

Take care
Trac xxx

05-02-08, 18:35
yes i agree with trac...
please try not to worry... i know its easy to say but i too have gone through it with my daughter who is now 22 and very healthy i may add... but she wouldnt believe me either.
my youngest is 13 and is quite grown up so her body is changing too and it does do some strange things...aches pains lumps...
i hope you get some re assurance tomorrow

05-02-08, 18:44
I too have been here with one of my daughters at 15 we found a really hard lump in her breast and was assured by doctors that it was nothing and would go as she developed and it did. We were told it was all to do with hormones and my daughter is fine now.


05-02-08, 18:45
thanks guys,she has only ever had me to turn to since she was 6 and i guess some things are hard to talk to me about!i just hate to think of her worrying as she is such a lovely person,have told her never to hide things from me but she said she didnt want to worry me,especially because she knows im struggling,at least one thing came out of it i stopped worrying about myself for a while x

05-02-08, 18:46
thankyou carol x

05-02-08, 19:13
Awww Jason, I just had to say what a lovely Daddy you are :hugs:


05-02-08, 19:14
lol thanks kate x

05-02-08, 19:31
Hi Jason!!

It's quite common for teenage girls to have lumps on their breasts due to growing and development. My friends daughter had similar problems at 14 and it just turned out to be fatty tissue due to her expanding shall we say! lol.

You sound like a lovely person and a brilliant dad, you should be very proud of yourself.

Love Lisa

05-02-08, 20:02
hi i agree with lisa my daughter is 18 and she 2 as had simalar probs its very common alot of young girls go threw it alot of it is fatty tissue .and you sound a lovely caring devoted dad xxxyou shud be realy proud and you deserve a medal x

05-02-08, 20:25
Hi Jason what a lovely Dad you sound, like everyone has said its all part of growing up, im sure she will be fine, we all here if you ever need to chat, my hubby was a single Daddy until he met me, so can kinda relate to what you going through, good luck to you and your daughter she very lucky young lady to have you

Emma xxx

05-02-08, 21:38
thank you all for your replies my daughter has just sat and read them with me and she has perked right up,its so good to have such kind people a click away thanks x

07-02-08, 00:22
I don't know how helpful this is but my grandmother lived to 90 but never developed this, but both my mother (my grandmothers daughter) and my sister both did but both survived it and in both cases it was several years ago. My sister has 2 daughters and one of them has recently had a daughter herself.

I also know a lady who suffered this a very long time ago who is now 91. I don't know but I thought I'd share in case it's of any reassurance to her.....but as the others say, it does sound as though she couldn't have a better dad to look after her!:winks:

07-02-08, 23:37
thankyou all for your support and i just wanted to let you all know that we saw the doctor today and everything is fine,so once again thanks for all of your comments they helped us through the last couple of days jason &mikkaela x

07-02-08, 23:43
Glad to hear everything went well and Mikkaela's mind has been put at rest :)


Trac xx

08-02-08, 10:39
Hi Jason, what a lovelly caring dad you are. I wish you all the luck for the future ,have tears in my eyes as I type LOL I am a softie:blush:

08-02-08, 22:37
lol thankyou leslie,been a big help with people like you offering us support take care hun x

09-02-08, 10:17
So pleased all is ok, bringing up kids is such a worry sometimes but so worth it.

Love Carol