View Full Version : Muscle Twitching

05-02-08, 19:26

I know this is normal with Anx but I have a spot in my back that has not stopped twitching for a couple of days now though there is no pain or weakness or anything like that...I am scaring myself half to death thinking I have some form of nurological disease. Someone please let me know if your muscles twitch for more than a couple of day...thing excludes eyes.

I don't know whats wrong but it;s just freaked me out beyond belief I have convinced myself I have motor neurons.

pls pls help

05-02-08, 20:00
hi! this happens to me all the time and i don't think it means anything. in fact, muscle tension is a symptom of anxiety and it only makes sense that if you're tense, your muscles will twitch. over the weekend, my right buttock was twitchy, but it has since stopped and sometimes my right thumb twitches as well as my calf muscles. i also believe it's because i haven't been exercising lately. sometimes my calf muscles feel tight, but if i think about it i can usually find a reason why...especially because i haven't been very physically active lately.

i think it's normal. try not to worry about it. and try some exercise...it might help to strenghten those muscles. take care!

05-02-08, 22:50
I agree its due to muscle tension. I get alot of twitches in my upper back and arms. One night my arm was twitching all evening and when i went to bed my back started and it felt like i had dozens of twitches all over the place which started me having a panic attack.
They are harmless. I have had them before almost constantly for a couple of days.
Donna x

06-02-08, 08:14
Thank you! I feel more at ease now, it took a while to get to that place but I think I am there. I really am starting to get seriously annoyed with my HA. I feel incomplete!

celia davies
07-02-08, 12:57
I also have a patch of tingling an twitching on my back in between sholder blades,this has been happenin in same place 4 months now it is scary but it is anxiety x

08-02-08, 08:52
Hello Janie. Yes I've had this too, just over by my shoulder blade - really horrible place to get it too. I assume it's just stress or tension.

I always get a twitch over my right eye and that's stress :huh:

08-02-08, 10:31
Thank you for your replies. It appears the twitch only really comes on with stress. Things have been to hectic lately maybe my system is going into overload. hehe

17-04-08, 07:46
I twitch alot, my arm, leg, eye, lip (makes me look like Elvis when the lip goes LOL)

I have had it since I have had anxiety, and when its particularly bad i twitch like mad!

Your not alone!!

17-04-08, 09:14
yes I do sometimes, sometimes I get it in my neck, it's been happening ever since I was small so I never worry about it funny enough.

17-04-08, 11:06
Yeah i get this as well when im anxious, just little parts of muscle that will start twitching usually for a few seconds and then stop. Had them just about every where, calf, ribcage, chest, arm, eyelid, they're never particularly bad though but my back feels like its twitching quite bad when im trying to get to sleep.

17-04-08, 12:07
Hi Jim

I twitch ALL the time. I know its down to stress and anxiety and no one else ever notices but its sooooo annoying.

As for sleeping, sometimes my arm or leg twitches just as I'm dropping off, other times my WHOLE body jumps then I'm wide awake. Its a bit scary but it does get better in time and when you feel less stressed.

22-11-16, 07:50
Do any of you get the feeling of twitching inside too? I have random twitches all over on and off and this morning feel like a sort of jittery palpitation feeling in the centre of my chest and have had hiccups too.