View Full Version : i wasnt prepared for that

05-02-08, 21:26
went to hospital and the guy i seen today , told me that my results showed my balance organs are not working in my ears . Then he got me to walk down the hallway , which i did as best i could and he said i have significant sway ?
He said for some reason the message from either my ears or my feet were not making it to my brain and they dont know why ?
He said I have to have further testing done , and asked me have i ever injured my legs ? i said no then he went on about my spine , to which i told him i was born with discs missing from my spine .
He said i have more than one thing going on here, and try not to worry .

He was really concerned about me , which got me concerned.
I have to go back in 4 weeks...... and what upset me they put down i have some sort of progressive disorder .

Im not dealing with this too well , feel a bit stunned.

05-02-08, 21:33
Hi Mirry,

I'm not surprised that this has stunned you.
Trying to be positive though,I would say that the guy you saw seems to know what he's talking about and is doing everything he can to get to the bottom of it.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Progressive disorders can be managed and treated.
Best wishes,

05-02-08, 21:50
Mirry this guy sounds like he really wants to help get this sorted - don't be upset by the word progressive.

Hun from the minute we are born we have something progressive. For example often things like our eyesight needing glasses more for reading etc etc.

View it as help which is a positive thing. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

06-02-08, 12:44
hiya mirry

well i think what chalky and piglet have sead is right you are going to get some help and i am sure when you do you will start to feel better and things will pick up for you


jodie xx

06-02-08, 12:58
Thought you were going to be turned upside down etc to right the crystals in your ears, didnt that happen??


06-02-08, 13:14
no Joy , because my eyes were not bouncing when he tested me, so i have to go back for that when symptomatic . He wasnt really interested in that because of my walking, but I like him and he said he is gonna help me .
I too am confused with it all , my specialist says i have MAV and BPPV,
then the physio doctor says yes to the bppv but says i have something else going on . Its really getting me down, i just want answers and a cure.

06-02-08, 13:21

:bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

thinking of you......

love dawny xxxxxx

06-02-08, 13:33
Mirry I hope they sort it all out for you:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


06-02-08, 14:53
thanks guys , your all so kind :hugs: .

06-02-08, 19:17
I have severe spinal issues - herniated discs in neck and lumbar spine - bad arthritis in neck and multiple disc degeneration and for past 10 eyars i have had balance problems caused by my spinal problems in my neck.

I have been told that your neck containes balance recepters in the muscles and joints so any problem will affect your balance. So in anxiety your neck muscles tense up causing the dizziness of anxiety etc etc. Also the spine problems can stop the messages getting from your feet to ears.

I had a brain MRi to totally rule out brain disorder and it was fine.
I constantly feel slightly dizzy and when I walk its like I am on a bouncy castle. I also get sudden severe vertigo attacks. I have good and bad times it varies enormously from year to year. I can get vertigo attacks every few weeks then nothing for a year!! The bouncy castle feeling is always there to some degree though.

07-02-08, 00:13
Awwww Mirry.

Of course you are stunned. I would be too. I guess it's important to try not to jump to any conclusions at this stage, and just try to wait until the next appointment to see what they say.

In the meantime, have some


xxx :flowers:

07-02-08, 07:28
Thanks for the hugs , that made me smile cos ive woke up a little grumpy , but its my sons birthday today so i have to smile:D .

Countrygirl, thank you for your reply about spinal issues , you have made me think , maybe this guy is right on the money ? Infact my uncle is under the same specialist as me and they are going down the damaged spine route with him too , what is confusing is I have low balance function in my ears yet that does not prove i have a problem in my ears , it just indicates my balance organs are damaged from a previous infection.
I cant beleive how stressed im getting about this, everyday i wake up and want to go out and face the world but despite the agrophobia this balance problem makes it almost impossible some days, i feel im stuffed either way.

told you im a bit grumpy today guys :blush: .

Hope everyone else is well , I know im not alone with these fears ,feel selfish concentrating on me.
hugs to all suffering :hugs:

07-02-08, 12:53
hi mirry
hope that they soon sort this out for you:)
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: