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View Full Version : Weird pain

06-02-08, 08:44
Hi all,

To cut a long story short been doing really well and not posted for a while. But whilst at work yesterday had a weird feeling in my neck base of skull, certain ways i was moving ( i have to bend and stretch a lot for things ) as causing a pain across my base of skull, anyway it was painful and is still with me this morning .
I'm tempted to google......:blush: but am scared in case it sets me off again although i have felt more in control. There's something in the back of my mind wondering what it could be like a tumour starting and another part is telling me not to be silly .
Any suggestions to what the pain is and what could be causing it. its such a fine line between sanity and insanity with myself...........:wacko:

thanks all xx

06-02-08, 13:32
first of all - DON'T GOOGLE! EVER! secondly, sounds to me like the pain you're experiencing might be a pulled muscle or tension. sometimes, even when we aren't aware of it, we're under stress and that can cause all kinds of weird aches and pains. have you tried any over-the-counter meds, like Advil? or try applying heat and/or ice to the back of your neck. that will help relax the muscles and ease the pain. i'm sure you're fine. take care!
:flowers: ~sarah

06-02-08, 17:38
Heyy I'm sorry to hear you're worried right now..

But if there is one thing you shouldn't ever do, no matter what, is google, no matter how tempting it is.

Wait a few days, it does sound like a tension in a muscle, rest, try not to do much.

If you're still really worried, maybe you should go to your doc for reassurance that it isn't anything serious like a tumor.

I hope you're worrying will decrease, for now, I'm sending you big wolfie hugs!! :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Wolfie xx

06-02-08, 22:41
Hi Kitty
Maybe you just slept funny and have strained your neck, give it a week or so and it will have gone. Take care.
love Mags xxxx