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View Full Version : Citalopram update

06-02-08, 10:09
Been on citalopram for 4 1/2 months now,starting on 10mg then 20mg and now on 30mg for last 2 1/2 months.
The early side effects were awful but I stuck with it. I now have my life back, I feel better and better each day.My only regret is that I didn't go on these a lot sooner. If anyone is struggling with anxiety and trying to deal with it themselves I would advise them to try this medication. I feel like a miracle has happened,it has been a slow but steady improvement and if I have to take these for the rest of my life to feel like this,then it won't bother me one bit.I've found my cure at last!
julie x :hugs:

06-02-08, 10:48
Hi hopeful

That is great.I have cipramil sitting in the drawer and have been a bit skeptical about starting them.The doctor told me it was possible that it could make the anxiety worse and I cant let going out etc get any worse.

delighted for you hopeful

bet x

06-02-08, 11:09
Thank you Bet.
It did make my anxiety worse to start with and I was going to stop taking them,but I'd read on nmp about the expected side effects and decided to stick with them. If the initial side effects weren't so bad then I'm sure more people would take them.I'm so glad I stuck it out.
What doseage are your tablets? I started on 10mg and still had bad but bearable side effects.I didn't want to take medication but I got to a stage where I just wasn't coping with life anymore.As I said in my last post I have now got my life back.
I wish you well Bet whatever you decide to do.
julie x:hugs:

06-02-08, 15:54
My Gp wants me to start at 20mg,but I feel I will start at 10mg.Where I'm at at the moment things are bearable so I guess I'm just a little apprehensive about things getting worse.

thank you very much hopeful you have helped me today.

bet x

06-02-08, 17:01
Hi Julie
I Started On Citlopram 7 Jan Not Good Start But Kept With It Same As U Poeple On Site Told Me To Keep Going It Gets Better, Went On To 20mg 2 Weeks Ago Had Down Few Days But Nother To Bad, Now 2 Weeks Later Few Near Back To Normal , Whole Family Have Noticed Big Time, Still Seem To Get Tied Easy, But Hubby Says Thats Body Just Getting Back To Normal, Seem To Have Busts Of Energy Then Crash Out, But Thats Good Because I Was Sleeping All The Time Had No Energy, And Felt Awful All The Time, But Now Get Up In The Morning And Face The Day With Joy, Not Oh God Do I Have To Get Up!!!
Bet Give Them Ago They Make All The Diffrence I Have Had No Anxiety Or Panic For 2 Weeks Now And Feel So Much Better, I Could See No Light At The End Of The Tunnel, And Now Im Running Towards It!!! Let Us No How U Get On.

Stay Strong

06-02-08, 20:04
thanks Sandy I will give them a go.

bet x

11-02-08, 14:24
Hi Hopeful,

I just wanted to say how great it is you're feeling so good.

I also want to thank you for posting something so positive.

Sometimes it's too easy to find all the scare stories about medications but I always think that the people for whom the drugs work are too busy getting on with their lives to post on their old forums!!

So well done for taking the time to post - I'm sure your positivity will inspire many here, myself included.

:yahoo: Well done!!