View Full Version : My own stupid fault...

06-02-08, 12:32
Went out last night and feel hungover and having a panic attack at work as a result...any advice?

06-02-08, 12:35
hiya katie :hugs:

sorry you not feeling to good

if i have been out or had a drink and feel bad the next day i drink lots of water it dose make me feel better and remember you know you will be ok it is just a pa from mabe having a drink or late night it will pass just try stay calm and try not to think over what might be wrong i am sure you will be ok after a good sleep and plenty of water

jodie xx

06-02-08, 12:55
Hi Katie,

Well done for going out!!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Remember,despite those panic symptoms,your body can and is coping with this.
Plenty of fluids-not fizzy-and some Vitamin C will help.
Have some nourishing snacks-not fast food.
Have a relaxed evening today and pamper yourself.
You will be o.k.
Best wishes,

06-02-08, 13:36
Hey Katie

I agree - drink plenty of water and eat good food - try not to have a burger or anything too greasy (although I know it can be tempting!!).

I just keep telling myself its the hangover and it will pass. I've done it enough times to know, but the feeling doesnt get any better so you just have to ride it out.

Despite the hangover I hope you had a good time last night :)

Jo xxxxx

06-02-08, 13:55
What doesn't help is that I can hardly breathe as I have a cold...plus directors are about to get into the office...so im panicky...have eaten a nice lunch and drunk lots of water but feel no better. Feel like my body is about to shut down and I'm getting my numb left side. Just want to curl up and go to sleep! URRRRRGH!

06-02-08, 14:37
I hear you hun. All I want is my bed when I have been on a night out - although I'm sure that most "normal" people would be crying for sleep too :)

Are you worried the directors will ask you what's wrong? Do you think they will know you have hangover?

I'm sure they will just put it down to you having a cold hun, which cant be pleasant either but you will be ok. How long do you have before you go home? You're over halfway through the day so its not long hun ((hugs)) xxxxx