View Full Version : Mind checking all the time

06-02-08, 12:36
Thought this might be ocd because of the frequency of it but am not sure.
Am male 26 and live in a flat and most of the time dont go out unless have to, and am unemployed. so am agrophobic.
Now am trying to get work placement but that is another issue completely.
Thing is worrie alot that what am doing is wrong like what say and do how behave its a projection only. Like how behave with partner is our like World can be comfortable enought being myself but outside its completely different am quiet and reserved and have to be pushed for conversation, and am far far to wary of people but when am back in safety ie the flat am like able to be self again.
Intrusive thoughts which cant control get me thinking far to much like intrusive words coming in which havent any control over feel powerful lilke they make me feel powerless and guarded.
Also this is where thought OCD came into it constantly am checking things am trying to organize thoughts and make sense of them but just end up going back to check them again. Like carpet all do is go into this state where haveto match up thoughts and have them make sense.
Wanting answers that cant possible exsist, tell myself itsonly the carpet its only the walls get a grip but most times find it hard to.
Checking is a definate OCD ritual.

06-02-08, 12:37
Meds are hydrocholride 5 mg 3 x daily beta blockers 20 mg daily venlafaxine 150 mg daily anti depressant taken them for 3 years.

06-02-08, 12:38
Buspar Hydrochloride Sorry

06-02-08, 12:50
Hi Breakingoutthistime,

We haven't met so welcome to the Forum.

It's clear that you have lots of time on your hands and if you are anything like me,that can be a disadvantage.
Have you any hobbies/interests which could provide more distraction?
Have you access to a local library-some distraction without too much inter-action being required?
Are you able to walk/exercise regularly?
Accept that you will have random thoughts passing through your head on a daily basis.You can discard them.
Nic has some great Mantras to help with this posted under Problems/issues.
Sometimes,trying to break out of our cycle of behaviour can seem like trying to climb Mount Everest but taking small,manageable steps can be a great boon to us.
It will require hard work but you can do it!
Best wishes,

11-02-08, 13:12
Thanks chalky whereis the problem and issues section cant seem to find it anywhere.