View Full Version : So Very Very Scared..

06-02-08, 14:07
Hi everyone

I dont know where to start. I am actually in the middle of panic attacks at work. Today i have been having these sensations, i cant explain it properly but here it goes: It feels like i am passing out/blacking out but i can still see everything and if i am walking i can still carry on walking even though my body feels like its totally weak. I get very tingly aswell.

I just need someone to confirm it isnt my heart, no a brain tumour or anything apart from in my mind.

:weep: :weep: :weep:

06-02-08, 14:35
try and be strong you are just having a panick attack nothing bad is going to happen to you just try and focus on something.
i get like this aswell its nothing serious just an attack
i hope you are feeling better soon ((hugs))

06-02-08, 14:37
:) hi,i can confirm it isnt any of the things you mentioned - if it was then i wouldnt be here! i discussed this with my therapist and she said its like your 'frozen' with fear - thats all it is, even though it feels much worse. you are having classic panic attack where you are frozen before you would need to act if there was a genuine emergency. keep telling yourself there is no emergency and it will go down, try and take big deep breaths and you will see it does receed, i hope this helps take care emma

06-02-08, 14:41
wow! I am actually shocked right now. I have had many panic attacks and none have ever felt like this. Its such a relief knowing others have had the same feelings.

It keeps happening at first at random times too but i guess its because im worried about it all. I have booked an appointment for next tuesday so hopefully the doctor will give me something for it.

Thanks ladies :) :)

06-02-08, 14:57
:) hey brokenmind, i dont remember in the whole history of my panic disorder which has lasted 20 years having these kind of panics until 2006! they are pretty nasty arent they? very troubling and frightening? but they are panic ansd nothing else - some ppl get particularly nasty physical symptoms like chest pains and trouble breathing but this is mainly the form my panic takes - this frozen feeling that you are terrified will go on and on? it doesnt! beleive me you will be okay?tthey cannot harm you take care emma

06-02-08, 15:03
it sounds like a classic panic attack. they suck, but you will be okay. try to focus on something outside of yourself, take some deep breathes, or try taking a walk. don't fight it though. the more you try to stop the attack, in my opinion, the worse they are. and not every panic attack feels the same. you're going to be fine. just try to relax.

06-02-08, 15:56
Thanks everyone. I feel pretty silly now as i should have realised. Im just used to more physical symptoms when i panic.

Im calmer now thanks to everyone here. :)

:hugs: :hugs:

miss motown
06-02-08, 20:45
hi hun all wot you experienced the same happened to me only the other day i have suffered panic attacks for as long as i remember but wot happened to me the other day just knocked me for six i came home and posted about it and got the same response as you its reasuring to no theres people out there that can relate and put are minds at ease its an awful thing we go thru but we do and we come out the other end so i guess its true it carnt harm us after all can it,take care xx

06-02-08, 22:06
Hi Miss Motown

Its absolutley horrible right? I have made an appointment with the docs to see if i can get medication for panic as i have to work to live and i cant work in the state i am right now. :(

Thanks for your respone, it really does help me!


07-02-08, 00:11
Hey Broken_Mind.

Definitely sounds like panic. I get it at work too and it can be awful. Sometimes when I walk about, I almost feel like I'll tip over to one side!

I always know when it's panic because if I go out of the room and have a minute to myself, it goes away.

Go and see the Doctor for some advice and some reassurance :hugs:

Take care,

xxx :flowers:

07-02-08, 11:23
Hey Dying_Swan

Thanks :) I feel kinda silly now, i should have realised. I automatically assume the worst whenever i feel slightly different.

I will tell the doctor on tuesday and beg for some help lol

Stacey xx