View Full Version : fast heartbeat its scary

06-02-08, 16:08
since the middle of the night my heart seems to be going crazy , my pulse feels fast and i can see my chest moving up and down anyone else get this? ive got a cold so guess that aint helpin much

06-02-08, 18:11
Hey mate,

Do ya feel adrenaline in ya stomach?

Measure ya pulse. If its over 110 then see Doctor.

Normal should be between 60-100 beats per min!

06-02-08, 18:45
its been 90 nearly all day so not to bad i guess it just feels it

tayside lassie
06-02-08, 18:59
hiya amanda ,if youve got anxiety and you have a bad cold youre heartbeat
goes that bit faster ,do you smoke ? cause that will make it worse as well .

take care try not ta worry :hugs:


06-02-08, 20:16
thank you sally yes i do smoke unfort

tayside lassie
06-02-08, 20:57
so do i Amanda smoke that is ,when i have a bad cold i try an lay of the smokes as much as i can cause it really does make the heart beat something awful ,try not to worry to much your cold will be gone in a few days and the heartbeat should settle down . :hugs:


Rachey poos
06-02-08, 23:26
Honey... mine can go well over 100 at times ...when I have a panic attack its up in the 180's just like an athlete!!!! DONT WORRY!!!!!! Your heart is one strong muscle and is made to pump and work hard! Its anxiety xxx:bighug1:

07-02-08, 10:46
i feel my heart even tho its only 51 beats a min at the moment on propranalol

20-11-09, 13:28
hi just back from docs, yet again, he said 4 weeks ago i was badly depressed and gave me new tablets called sertraline, today couldnt take no more wasnt helping felt even worse, he has ordered me to stop the sertraline straight away as im having bad side effects from it, i have many health problems including heart and its made my heart race even faster so plz if u feel ill after taking new medication after a few weeks or more see ur doc so he can sort this out, too many tablets can counter react with each other these days, so plz get them checked with any problems

20-11-09, 17:53
Worrying about it will make it go faster. Try to concentrate on something other than your heart. When you are not thinking about it it will be slower, when you feel and count your pulse it quickly speeds up because you are wary that it's going to be too fast. I've had this problem, probably just anxiety. :)

20-11-09, 18:14
Hello Amanda, yes it could be anxiety but the fact that you have a cold could be contributing. Chest infections can also cause a rapid pulse so make sure your cold hasn't gone into your chest. Hope you feel better soon.