View Full Version : For anyone with tongue or mouth worries

06-02-08, 17:11
This is my first post. I do read the boards, and have found it interesting, and helpful with the info members give other members, well reading i've came across a lot of ppl with issues concerning their mouths and tongue's, so i thought i would write all about what happened to me just over 18 yrs ago, and maybe it will help others
Just over 18 yrs ago i had my first baby, I never liked hospitals, and wanted to go home straight away, they wouldn't let me, i don't no if it was because i was a first time mum or it was my age, i was 18 yrs old, anyway I've suffered with panic attacks ever since i was 14, and had to leave school because of them, so being in hospital didn't help, I couldn't eat whilst in hospital...oh that's another one of my collections of phobia's i have lol, anyway i didn't eat the whole time i was there, i was only there three days then came home, i thought that when i got home everything would be back to normal and i would start eating again, but no that didn't happen, it developed into very bad postnatal depression, being young and never having depression, i didn't no what the hell was happening to me, , because i wasn't eating and not drinking enough i was obsessed with my tongue. It was sore, felt way to big for my mouth, but the worst part about it was i couldn't get any spit into my mouth, and it felt bone dry like i was going to choke on it, it was constant, always in my mind and i was convinced i was going to get cancer of the mouth, i would continually check it, ask my partner to see if it was ok, i was going mad, but i was driving everyone else mad with my obsession, it was that bad that i couldn't look after my little boy, because i was so scared all the time that something was going to happen to me, when i did eat i would try things that i didn't have to chew, i still do that now lol, and it would get stuck on my tongue, and send me into a frenzy of panic, i would send my hubby out to the chemist to get me mouth wash, pastels, anything you can think of, but that didn't help, because i was to scared to put anything in my mouth, catch 22 lol, the only thing i did put into my mouth was hardboiled sweets, just so that i could try and get some saliva into my mouth, but that made it so sore, not even a drink helped, in the end it got so bad i ended up with thrust in my mouth, i was convinced i was going to die and anything anyone told me i didn't make any difference, i was put on AD's, and it took three months got get rid of the obsession, and post natal depression, i never ever thought it was going to go and i was going to be like i was for the rest of my life, but i'm not and it dose go, if i had know that your mind can make you think the things you do when you get depressed, i might of been able to understand it a bit more, but i didn't no what the hell was happening to me, and i thought that i was the only person to have a obsession about my tongue and mouth in the world, until i came onto this site, and seen other ppl are scared about the something, i still do get the symptoms now and again, but if i had to put it on a scale of 10, it would be around 2, not like it was back then at 10, i no i'll always be like it, but when i am, i do no its panic and anxiety, and i'm not going mad, it dose get better, trust me, sorry if that was a bit to long, i just wanted ppl to no there not on there own x x x :hugs: