View Full Version : Low fever

06-02-08, 23:06
I am addicted to my thermoter the past couple days because I have felt alittle warm and its been running 98.7-99.2. I know that is not bad but what would cause this? I am worrying like crazy!

06-02-08, 23:50
Wow - loads of things

The normal core body temperature of a healthy, resting adult human being is stated to be at 98.6 degrees fahrenheit

Women get hotter during their periods

Could be a virus

Could be nothing!


06-02-08, 23:53
Funny you should post the fever. I was married to a thermometer for about 5 years and still it is the first thing I reach for. I have my reasons and phobias and well that is not important. BUT the thing is I can escale my temperature with my anxiety and people think I am crazy. When I worry and check it constantly I am always 98.9 99.2 occasionally 98.3. When I go to the doctors they always say I have a low grade fever. About 18 years ago, my doctor treated me for weeks and did tests with my temp and then we came to the conclusion it is my anxiety and its me. It is like blood pressure for me and I can control it the same way.
No worries!