View Full Version : Post Nasal Drip?

06-02-08, 23:55
Mine throat is filling with mucus and feels like it is in my chest. I can't cough it up nor clear it out of my throat.
My question is does anyone else feel like it limits there breathing?
What you do take for it other than nasal spray that I have already?


07-02-08, 00:01
Try a steam bowl

Fill a bowl with boiling water and put your head over it, covered with a towel, for about 10 minutes. It should help you cough it up.

xxx :)

08-02-08, 12:13
I have been plagued with this since before xmas-my ears keep ringing too!

just went out today and bought something called STERIMAR it is a very fine salt water mist you blow up your nose to try and clear the phlegm-gotta try something!

i'll let u know if it works


08-02-08, 12:29
I wish I could blow my nose instead of it constantly driping down my throat. Even when we've all got colds and everybody elses nose is running, I'm always the one that has to snort like a pig and spit it out! Tried loads of over the counter remedies over the years, plus the beconase nasal spray and I have to say that the only thing that ever worked was steriod nasal drops prescribed by a consultant.

08-02-08, 13:25
I getr this every year (post nasal drip) from November through March. Nasal CAT scan and full ENT exam showed noting physical and no allergies to be blamed. Steroid spray helped but, I didn't like using it all the time...now I just have to deal with the post nasal drip.


08-02-08, 18:36

I've had this since a bad bout of flu just before xmas. Its driving me nuts - I have this feeling something is stuck in my throat all the time and I cant cough it up so i keep swallowing to the point i have made my throat sore. of course, i also panic about it and that makes it ten times worse - keep thinking throat cancer and then i cant swallow at all (or it feels i cant!!!!). Stupid thing is - i know it is better when i dont think about it too much. I hav'nt thought about it all day at work and now i'm home, i'm swallowing for England!!!! lol


10-02-08, 16:33
I also suffer from post nasal drip and find it very annoying because I am always coughing or sniffing which isn't exactly attractive. Several doctors have tried various remedies to cure it with no success but I think the steroid spray came closest. I tried anti histamine but it made no difference.

22-09-09, 02:54
:blush: :) to judi. hi there i just came across your message and i just wanted to let you know that i am also suffering from the same lump in throat feeling. i been having anexity attacks for the past 3 years and only this year i started having these feelings in my throat. mine feels like there is something stuff there like a lump,and sometimes i feel it only on the left side. umm i also try to cough it up but only a little bit of mucus comes up. the weird thing is that i seems to get it for a week then i could go another 3 weeks before i gets it again.i am using the steriod nasal percribe spray and it is not helping at all.and sometimes i am not evening going through anexity and i still gets it..i would to find out if someone really got a good cure for this and please let me know. i hate this feeling.

22-09-09, 12:16
Hi all,
I too have suffered with post nasal drip for several years. I can never seem to blow my nose like others when I have a cold, it just runs into my throat and gets stuck! I found that steroid nasal sprays and decongestants made the situation worse after a period of time. After some research, I tried giving up dairy products as I was addicted to cheese and yogurts and I could not believe the difference it has made. I now use soya substitutes. I regularly use the "sterimar" nasal spray which can be purchased from most chemists and I hardly ever get that full feeling in my throat any more! It really is worth a try! Although I still miss my cheese! lol
Hope this helps? Kindest regards Nikki. :-) x

23-09-09, 00:05
I have had this too. I find that 2 things work great...

1. drink PLENTY of water! This helps wash it down. If you could tolerate just a little Apple Cider Vinager in the water than will help break it loose in your chest.

2. A netti pot will help to keep the mucus at bay. www.neilmed.com (http://www.neilmed.com)
If you read they will explain to you that the sinus rinse kit is the best for post nasal drip, regardless of the cause. This is what I have. It does not burn and if it gets too bad, you can double up on the solution. If you do it about and hour or two before bed, you won't have all that mucus in your throat in the morning when you wake up. When mine is bad I do it 2x a day and when I am sick I even put a little vinager and peroxide in it too...burns like fire...but kills anything there. I only do this when I am sick. Good luck.