View Full Version : Deep thinking

07-02-08, 01:32
I'm going to attempt a little journey through our emotions to try and show what I think happens to us.

I think the journey would have to start with our sensitive nature and deep thinking which causes us to worry. Worry then leads us to fear which in turn leads us to feeling trapped. We're intense and become rigid, needing to keep to our "safe" path but by trying to keep "safe", when we are forced from our safe path, we suffer stress.

Stress then makes us irritable, frustrated and angry but the anger stays stored within us because we don't know how to release it. Anxious feelings build causing us to panic, feeling depressed and tearful.

We feel weak and inferior because we experience guilt at not being able to do as others and when others re-inforce our beliefs of ourselves, we feel a "bad" person and begin to hate ourselves for what we've become as we feel we should be stronger. Our confidence disappears and we self-doubt which then leads back to where we began with worry.

If we learn a more relaxed approach to life by accepting what life is so we don't resist our fears, come to terms with our past so we can move on, learn to love ourselves more for who and what we really are, find ways to build our confidence and self esteem, look for enjoyment in living and don't focus on the negative things in life etc....then it's possible to learn to cope with our anxieties.

Everyone is different needing different things to get better and I know that sounds very basic and it's easier said than done but given time, "patience" and the right support, we can all be helped to live better lives.......so never give up feeling all is lost because you feel alone. We are all on this journey With you, including me. :hugs: