View Full Version : is this anxiety

07-02-08, 12:43
i was wondering wether anyone notices their anxiety getting worse when they are tired?
i have started another job which is only another 10 hours a week ,but this week i have felt light-headed and shaky again:mad:
its really stressing me out as i want to work as i find it takes my mind off things but i,m just worried that my anxiety is coming back with a vengance!:weep:
i think i fell frustrated as i can,t manage all the things and work i used to do
i just feel as though i,m going to pass out lately
then all the "what-ifs"pop into my head like what if i have something wrong with me AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
i had a mri last year as i was sooo scared that i had a brain tumour and i really don,t want to go back down that road again
my husbands cousin died this week she had lukeamia(sp?)and i feel for her poor husband and children.maybe that is playing on my mind and also my daughters caretaker and lollipop man died of cancer and when she told me i just burst out crying as he was a really lovely man who was just so kind and warm-hearted
i,m sorry to rant on
thanks for reading

07-02-08, 13:04
Oh rach, have some of these:hugs::hugs:all things happening at once eh, it,s bound to get you anxious, and the what if,s do creep into your head, but you know what your not your cousin, nor are you the lolilpop man you are you.don,t apologise for ranting either, that,s what we,re hear to do ,i,m sorry to hear of your loss. But pls remember you are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!take care and good luck with your new job. x

07-02-08, 14:04
Hi Rach,

Sorry to hear of your loss.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Starting your new job,it's not surprising that you are feeling tired.
Go back to basics:-proper sleep,proper eating and proper rest.
This too shall pass.
Best wishes,

07-02-08, 17:54
thankyou both for your replies they mean alot
thanks again