View Full Version : Anyone else get weakness in the legs?

07-02-08, 18:04
I've been getting weakness in my legs that comes and goes. Sometimes I wont' have it for a few weeks, but then get it for a couple weeks. It's almost like my legs aren't going to move, but they do. They also ache and sometimes makes it hard to sleep. Of course I worry that I have multiple sclerosis. I'm doing good though and so far i have not googled MS or that might take me over the edge! :wacko: Anyone else get this? Could this be anxiety? A few months ago I went to my dr and he took blood, all was fine, and he said "maybe it's MS" and told me to go see a neurologist. No thanks! I havn't brought it up again.

08-02-08, 00:21
When my anxiety was really bad this time last year, weak legs was one of things that happened. I would have episodes what I called rubber legs, where it felt like my legs couldn't hold me up. When I tried to walk, it was like I was walking through treacle, it felt like I wasn't moving even though I was.It hasn't happened since, so it must have been down to anxiety.

08-02-08, 08:47
A few months ago I went to my dr and he took blood, all was fine, and he said "maybe it's MS" and told me to go see a neurologist. No thanks! I havn't brought it up again.

I cant believe your GP said "maybe it's MS" - :scared15:

A couple of years ago I had horrible tingling and funny feelings in my legs - really hard to describe but sometimes felt like I couldn't co-ordinate my legs to walk - very odd. Anyway, visited Dr Google :lac: and convinced myself I had MS :doh: I've had loads of health anxiety worries but this one was really running away with me. I googled "tingle+legs+weird+feelings" and of course MS came up on probably every site - I must've read 40 sites :wacko:

Anyway rushed off to the doctor who could obviously tell I was really wound up and referred me to a neurologist. He was very nice and following tests and an MRI scan, it turned out that I had a slightly slipped disc which was causing the symptoms in my legs.

Looking back now, the neurologist probably knew as soon as I walked through his door that I was fine and after listening to me, knew what was wrong but they do these tests to put our minds at rest. I'm sure they see it every day.

I'd never of put my symptoms down to something in my back but it makes sense as all our nerves for our legs and feet stem from our back, just as feelings in our arms/hands stem from nerves coming from our neck.

Only the other day I started getting this really sharp pain in my leg, as if someone was stabbing me - I thought "oh know, I've got a blood clot in my leg" - god knows why I thought that :wacko: !!! Just good ol' health anxiety working it's magic again.

Try and relax and forget about it. I'm sure you're fine

08-02-08, 17:03
Thank you soooo much! It does make sense that it could be something in my back. I started seeing a chiropractor recently due to a car accident and after my first couple visits, the sensation in my legs was more noticeable than ever. Then it gradually went away. Now it tends to come and go, but not as bad.

Also, that makes sense about how our arms are affected by our neck. I always get a "dead" arm with tingling and numbness and I know that's related to my out of whack neck so that never scares me.

I went to the bookstore last night and of course I picked up a book about MS :blush: and I didn't have any of the other symptoms, but I still felt like this one symptom was enough to doom me. :scared15: I am feeling a lot better now. Thank you so much. I love this board! :hugs:

22-10-08, 05:09
I caught a virus that caused a persistent infection and these symptoms: pins and needles under my skin, weak legs, extreme anxiety, big loss of drive and motivation, memory problems, loss of word skills such as spelling, depression, skin changes, tinnitus, and several other symptoms.

Pleas read my blog: http://chronicsorethroat.wordpress.com (http://chronicsorethroat.wordpress.com/)

Hope this helps.

agent orange
24-10-08, 10:24
i experience weak legs, where i feel i cannot stand for long times, as the muscles ache so badly, they ache very badly anyway. I went for an mri as i too thought i had m.s, only to be told that it was all clear and that it was probably down to anxiety. I think my body is always in an anxious state.